Bedpan jus

You can watch a movie like this, condemn feminism, and desire hot engineers? AND understand the mechanics of empowerment? Like…wow. Such a being shouldn't be condemned to office work. What does "sjw" mean?

I suppose the C+ is AV Club's equivalent to a D, since all it's critics seem to have a perpetual hard-on for this kind of garbage. All this Marvel/DC crap is fiery, exploding military aircraft, crashing buildings, and airborn cars, followed by smirks, and wisecracks. Tired, stupid, monumental waste of time. What do

Way less painful if you're a sports celebrity.

well, I guess he acquired his money by being a moronic jock, which must have been trying in itself. In the trailer, he didn't seem all that different with advanced ALS.

People with privilege can have their deaths glorified, their illnesses turned into sentimental melodramas. The previous commentator is some special kind of ignorant asshole who has never faced loss, illness, or poverty.

If you were around the day the Lewis/Martin films came out, you constructed the mill and probably cut the wood to build the mill with an axe.

Anyone who has seen "the Ambushers" will testify to Martin's awesome range as an actor.

What a nut! He mean Will Robinson! Kind of stupid, though.

God that so funny!

I'll keep this in mind, if nothing else.

"Clichés" is a verb?

Too many films, nothing to devour. But, hey, have a good time watching Johnny To!!!

Are these real movies, or did the AV staff just make them up?
Johnny To?

Beck is a fucking scientologist.

He probably is cash-short, having doled out $5,000.

The above intended as reply to Dr.Banner. I'm not commending my own remarks. Flustered. How could a site I trust do this?

Mike must have a thing for this Robbins.


Well said! What's the matter with A.V. Club?

Wtf? C+? This is Dr. Phil for a new generation of gullible chumps. A.V. Club is awarding this rating merely out of admiration for this director's previous work. How can any responsible critic endorse this shameless promotion? This is an utter insult to anyone coping with mental illness, especially those lacking $5,000