
She’ll be the one holding the Pepsi can.

The idea of eating the money really sucks. There were real concerns—like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.

Aside from September 11 and a few personal tragedies, including multiple parental divorces and a weird

Me too. I was with her before she announced her candidacy, and through the Bernie hype, and now. I’m a 22 year old male California college dude, but I felt she was genuine despite all the negativity from both sides.

I feel so bad for her. My heart just breaks thinking about how hard she worked and how she must feel. And the Obamas. Can you imagine Michelle having to even think about those miscreants walking around the White House? One of the most beloved First Families is leaving us, and we get Nouveaux Riche Trash People moving

I just start crying at random. I am giving you a big internet hug...

I figured. It just seems crazy to send out texts the day after he gets elected. I refused to say his name. :(

It feels like the era of recovering from the malfeasance and mismanagement of the Bush years is over. And we are sliding back down a steep gravel slope on our hands and knees.

Last night I was at a bar in DC and when Trump won some state this guy with a group of Galludet students (a deaf university in DC) started doing a victory dance. I gave him a nasty look because what else can you do? Some minutes later he won another state, and three of his friends gleefully began doing Nazi salutes. I

I feel so stick to my stomach about everything.

The House. The Senate. The Justices.

I’ve been dizzy all day and I just want to hug HRC.

I had severe PTSD from the debates and now I just want to lay down under my desk and cry.

I am walking around today feeling like the pain she is feeling is mine too. It was her loss, it was my loss too and I am feeling it deeply as I struggle not to cry at my desk today. I feel I admire Clinton more than before. We may never call her Madam President, but I think we all will remember her grace and her