
There are no relections in Mexico. But I wouldn’t put pass a local politician to be taking bribes from that factory.

I find it really hard to believe that there is a multi level conspiracy to let undocumented workers die when many have been rescued and everybody already knows.  

Already an 18 year old volunteer in the hospital after something collapsed on him in a rescue. It’s apparently tough.

Just wondering, why have you guys written about ways to help Puerto Rico but not Mexico??

How niave. Spend some time around the “revoke citizenship” crowd and the “English Only!” folks, and you’ll understand that the whole immigration scam is just a cover for bigotry. BTW, from the 50s through the 70s, Members of Congress from both parties tried to find a Constitutional way of limiting the number of people

Heh, heh. All you anti-immigration types - if there are no utilities and few jobs on Puerto Rico, then millions of residents will move to the mainland. Bigots, you’re about to be blasted by a wave of Legal Latinxs.

I’d wager there is a direct correlation between these results and time spent on social media, and or in front of some sort of device or screen. Why go on a date when you can live your best life on Twitter or Snapchat or Insta-whatever.

🎶How do you solve a problem like Maria?

I don’t think it’s a matter of feeling better. It just seems probable. I’d modify it to “one of the last large land species”, since there’s some deep-sea stuff that I think is almost completely unaffected by atmospheric conditions. But I’d certainly bet on humanity going extinct after most other mammals.

Humans are incredibly adaptable. We’ll be one of the last large species to go out if it gets that bad.

It’s also highly unlikely that our species will end.

Global warming or no, the earth will be fine. Humans will probably survive. It will be a more toxic world, and empty of a lot of animals. Not to mention climatiacly differant. But people born into it will not know the differance. Hell even if we put the brakes on human-driven climate change today, the climate would

She’s great, but not a climate scientist.

Her responses to a reddit IAMA last week are worth a read.

And yet, you ‘journalist’ bloggers love sensationalist, fear mongering, “we’re sooooo fucked”, click bait bullshit headlines.

Just speaking as someone who has lived most of his life in south Florida, I wouldn’t go as far as saying this is the “new norm.” It’s just like every hurricane season.

These storms individually have little impact on the climate trend. Even having this many in a single season isn’t enough to raise any kind of alarm. The data we’re collecting though will tell us whether this will become a climate trend - and thus a part of climate change - and help us determine if these storm cycles

Do you not remember the highly publicized recount effort by Jill Stein where no major discrepancies were found?

I’m about to have a very unpopular opinion: the guy has taken serious steps to better himself, even if you can’t see it (I dont know him, just going by what I’ve heard from people). Everyone’s disgusted by the allegations, but the vast majority of hate I’ve been seeing online are from people who had it out for him to

I’m not sure that being prevented from ever working again is a suitable, or wise, punishment for people who commit sexual offences. If someone is so dangerous they can’t be out in public, they should be in jail. If they should be kept away from children, lets make that happen.