Are we really surprised? Who DIDN’T know this would happen? That man and his co conspirators will never, ever serve a day. And there will be no impeachment proceedings unless the GOP stops circlejerking.
Are we really surprised? Who DIDN’T know this would happen? That man and his co conspirators will never, ever serve a day. And there will be no impeachment proceedings unless the GOP stops circlejerking.
I work in affordable housing, which includes managing construction of units. The regulation hoops you have to jump through to build and construct things, along with dealing with city and county inspectors is pretty complex and there are consequences if you don’t follow them. So this is complete and utter BULLSHIT that…
It allows her to pass a criminal justice reform bill that helps people. Even if it doesn’t help her become president (and I personally prefer Elizabeth Warren) it helps people and that’s important.
Update from Germany:
And the Turkey situation has gotten much worse. This is a big deal, and I’m really surprised not to see much of it in the international press. Turkey detained some German activists. Here is some info from Deutsche Welle on one of the detainees (English text is on the left):
I knew you were white even without looking at your picture when you mentioned you spent the time in a tent. The last time I was at a beach in the city and there was a tent pitched it had to come down in less than half an hour because the cops gave us shit about it.
Yeah but then Jez doesn’t get that sweet, sweet commissh...
Jon and Davos go south to Dragonstone and meets Daenerys.
Rob is vile. But the NDA does cover exactly what Chyna did here: give an interview about Rob and her relationship without his consent. She could go to the cops or file a lawsuit against him, but outside of legal means she GOT PAID AND AGREED not to talk about the family to the media without their permission. These…
An NDA can’t prevent a person from reporting crimes to the authorities or filing a lawsuit in court which might allege facts which would otherwise violate the NDA, but it sure as shit covers this interview she gave.
Wow, he was so young. I’ve never seen this show, but I just looked him up and one of the first news stories that came up from before today was an interview where Ellis criticized a former co-star for quitting because that actor didn’t want to play a gay character. That’s a stand up thing to do.
Because he is being raped by two women.
Have you seen the show?
Stop being nuanced! We need to find an internal enemy!!!!!!!!!
How do you get Jon down to Winterfell? Jeyne Poole? I feel like they wanted to stay away from the FArya storyline.
I think you’re wrong. She would be recognized as Lady of Winterfell (LOW) as Ned’s only known living heir or nothing at all. You can look at it from the perspective of The North or the Iron Throne.
Feel free to show that in just as much graphic, gratuitous detail as they do the abuse of women.
Read the books. You’ll get sucked back in.
I really felt like the pan to Theon was that it was about both of them and not showing it was the choice to avoid being gratuitous. Would you rather they stayed on her the whole time? I wouldn’t.
It wasn’t gratuitous. It was directly from the book. Except the book disgustingly made it a non-POV character and it was all about Theon’s redemption saving a girl everyone forgot about from the first book. All of those chapters are how tortured poor Reek is having to watch a girl being raped by dogs.
Active contrast with inactive (injured/dead/out of ammo) rather than passive.