
We have more than enough oil as is. The last thing we need to be doing is investing in new infrastructure to encourage the industry to continue expanding. And sure, most of us rely on using oil every day, but that’s only because we’ve collectively structured our economy and lifestyles around it to the point where it’s

Not just even Greens. There is plenty example of how Republican turnout was barely 2012 levels that A LOT (most) of Johnson voters were actually angry liberal white dudes who made up excuses so as to not have to vote for a woman. You have county after county after county where Trump got Romeny percentages, but

Yes, quite ironic that if the Green Party folks in MI, WI, and PA voted for Hillary instead of Jill Stein, that a) DAPL would still be on hold while environmentalists actually could have made their case to Clinton (a la Obama) to put a hold/stop to this and b) Keystone XL *definitely* would be dead.

but enough about Steve Bannon

‘Failing media talks about pipeline spill but COMPLETELY IGNORES the time Hillary spilled a bottle of vegetable oil in 1997. Salad was ruined. Sad.’

Colorado has over 7x the population of North Dakota. That means, optimistically, that there are 7x fewer marijuana consumers in North Dakota than in Colorado. Assuming equal prices and consumption (a dangerous assumption) and equal taxation (probably wrong too), legal weed would bring in only $18 million a year in

You’re better than me because I do hope Pat Roberts discovers men can get breast cancer, too. Then maybe he’d quit fucking snarking about healthcare.

I do not understand the grays thing. The disclaimer makes it seem like it’s to keep away trolls, but you can comment like a normal person forever and still stay grayed. I also see trollish comments from non-grays sometimes. Kinja is a drag.

That’s because #1 applies to good (aka white) christian wives of good (aka rich and white) christian men.

They’re a small percentage of breast cancer patients, but men can and do get breast cancer. Not that I wish Pat Roberts to discover this when meeting with his doctor about oozing from his nipples, but since Republicans only seem to care about things that personally affect them (hating the LGBTQ community until a

No. It won’t. Brainwashed women will still vote for these chuckle-fucks. “Welp gee golly if they aint tryin to get back to work shouldn’t be opening them lady bits now should they?”

You might as well jump ship, because while Trump is awful, this isn’t proof of anything if you read carefully.

Who is going to even start an impeachment? They’ve got the keys to the car and a convenient tweeting orange shit gibbon to distract while they drive the car off a cliff. I can’t believe this is real life even and yet here we are.

It’s almost like health care shouldn’t be tied to employment at all.

“Also—and I’m just saying—Thinx don’t work for shit.”

Most start-up investors don’t care about hc or other benefits. In fact, it’s generally viewed as positive to not offer them because it takes away from supporting functions that directly grow the business. Even progressive-minded start-ups often don’t offer benefits bc cash flow is an issue and it’s not what investors

Or drug and alcohol issues.

He’ll be fine in prison. Abuse in prison doesn’t happen as often as we’re told, let alone prison rape, nor is either situation funny to joke about.