
Maybe you guys should hire someone who actually understands security before writing articles about security.

Did you miss the NYTimes story that originally brought this to people’s attention? They said DoorDash actually paid better than most companies, despite the fact that it ate tips.

This came up because of a NYTimes story on app-based delivery service workers. They found only about 1/3 of customers tipped at all. The worst part is that the most consistent tippers were NYCHA residents.

When he knew the brothers were arrested, he released a statement that he was horrified someone he knew might’ve attacked them. So even when he knew they were innocent people *that he knew*, they threw them under the bus.

I feel bad for the two brothers who were arrested by police in connection with this hoax. They have a lot less privilege and money to deal with a situation such as this. Where was Smollett when they were in the hands of police? He was telling his lawyers to throw them under the bus. That’s the sickest part of this

Wow! That’s pretty low to try to frame *your own brother* for your DUI. And I thought he couldn’t get any lower...

Anyone in particular in mind?

I said its racist so... we agree?? Congrats?

Italy is certainly very racist in its own way. That doesn’t mean they’re aware of the American racial outrage machine.

So “global company” means American-centric to you? Check your American privilege.

They’re not mutually exclusive. I’m aware Italians are racist but I don’t think this was intended as blackface.

The notion that this is a deliberate choice is nearly psychotic in its assumptions. They’re Italian; they don’t understand American racial dynamics. That’s the simplest explanation, so its the likeliest. Barring some evidence of malice, I don’t see why you should assume its there.

They’re Italian, they’re not aware of American racial dynamics. That’s really all it is, not some racist conspiracy.

I’m not sure where you’re quoting “purity” or where you’re getting this covering up idea from, because its sure as hell not me.

After the Lt Gov (accused rapist) and Attorney Gen (admitted blackface wearer), we have the Republican House Speaker Kirk Cox.

Of course her apology isn’t good enough for ya’ll. It was good enough for the Chief of the Cherokee Nation, but not enough for the fake feminists at Jezebel.

Its still colder in Siberia. Minneapolis low was -29 F today, in Oymyakon, Siberia its -49 F. That temperature is not extreme for Oymyakon, its typical for winter.

My Trump-voting father loves Ocasio-Cortez. I think she can appeal to Trump-leaning “white working class” voters a lot more than centrists realize.

What’s her name???

The ban was made in 1837, so it sounds like it had nothing to do with the first Jewish member of Congress...