
I’m curious, how specifically did other “Western democracies” end gerrymandering? What laws did they pass? I’m curious because there’s a lot of different ways people have proposed preventing it here in the US.

No, she wasn’t detoxing at the time. She was drinking and using drugs but probably would have survived if she weren’t so weak from her eating disorder. The eating disorder killed her more than the drugs did.

To be fair, he didn’t make a major announcement. He sent a letter to some members of Congress, include Jason Chaffetz, involved in Clinton’s investigation and Chaffetz leaked it to the press.

You might think its the Vixen’s fault since she’s gotten into fights with 2 queens so far, but Eureka admitted to trying to push her buttons and “see what she’s made of”. Girl, everyone already saw that the Vixen will come back for you times 10. Also, Eureka does talk over everyone else and I’m glad someone called

I think this article was much more “pleonastic” with about 10 mentions of how shitty Mondays are.

He did NOT abuse women – or anyone else for that matter. He cheated on them and lied to them, yes, but thats a world apart from abuse.

How so?

Coming out as gay and saying you were raped are the same thing? Is that a joke? You just found a new way to deny a rape survivor’s story, congratulations.

I believe its Puerto Rican Spanish. I’ve only ever heard it used in NY, I don’t know if they use the term the same on the island.

Can you point to a single person who supports Cynthia and opposes Oprah for office?

This is a long-form investigative piece, not a gadget announcement. Regardless of what they “eschew,” readers are allowed to criticize based on journalistic standards. These sites like to have it both ways, but we don’t have to accept that.

NDAs can’t silence criminal allegations – they’re not enforceable against a witness to a crime.

I think you’re making a lot of callous assumptions about a family that just lost a beloved pet. According to the Facebook post, the flight attendant(s) “INSISTED that the puppy be locked up for three hours without any kind of airflow. They assured the safety of the family’s pet so wearily, the mother agreed.”

According to the Facebook post, the flight attendant(s) “INSISTED that the puppy be locked up for three hours without any kind of airflow. They assured the safety of the family’s pet so wearily, the mother agreed.”

Are you a Russian troll or are you just quoting one?

Wisdom tooth extraction can be pretty painful. When I had it done, they didn’t give me anything except Tylenol and Advil, and it was not enough.

I will! Its sad to see all this hate for a show by, about, and for queer people.

I was hoping for a recommendation, I’ll check out sense8 :)

Who cares? That’s their problem. I’m not about to stop watching a show just cuz other people watch for the wrong reasons. RPDR is still the most radical show on TV for queer people.

RuPaul has known trans queens for longer than you’ve been alive.