
He didn’t say they couldn’t be run profitably. He implied that DNAInfo was unprofitable, which it was since he founded it. Gothamist was profitable on its own before Ricketts bought it 7 months ago. Its incredibly low of him to say that he couldn’t “crack the code” on Internet newsroom profitability when Gothamist did

Gothamist was profitable before Ricketts bought it 7 months ago. Ricketts was happy with his own DNAInfo losing money for years until they unionized.

Gothamist was profitable before Ricketts bought it 7 months ago.

Responding to your deleted comment: The vagueness of his comments just imply that DNAInfo was unprofitable. Gothamist was profitable before Ricketts bought it 7 months ago. The union just officially formed, so there were no definitive cost increases that would justify unprofitability. He just didn’t want to deal with

Gothamist was profitable alone, but it was profitable only after many years of building its brand across various cities (DCist, SFist, LAist, etc.). Many of the earlier years were supported with unpaid labor by journalists who wanted to write about local issues in their communities. The web resources are easy, but

Gothamist was profitable by itself before Ricketts bought it 7 months ago. Note he only talks about DNAInfo’s financials, which Ricketts founded years ago and has been unprofitable ever since.

Most people in PR are too poor to pay income tax anyways. They all however must pay payroll and other taxes, so most people in PR pay the same taxes as they would on the mainland.

Congress has to grant statehood, and a GOP Congress isn’t going to do it for PR. Aside from any other reason, PR votes Dem.

According to my dermatologist, an individual bite from a bed bug, mosquito, or flea will all look the same regardless. Even in a biopsy you can’t tell them apart. However, bed bugs and fleas tend to bite in rows of 3 (“breakfast, lunch, and dinner”). So if the bites come in rows of 3, you should first check for fleas;

Being a womanizer with a bad temper is NOT the same as being a rapist. I don’t understand why people keep conflating the two.

Since Marsha likely wasn’t close to most/any of her blood relatives, would Lopez’s claim of being her queer daughter carry any weight?

Gossett was 10 years old in Massachussetts when Johnson died in NYC so I doubt they knew of each other’s existence

Does that apply if the illegal act is alleged? Does it need a conviction? or some other proof?

Sounds pretty reasonable to me. Clooney’s probably trying to process how he managed not to realize for so long who/what Weinstein really is. The fact that the Obamas let their Malia, their 19-year-old daughter, intern for Weinstein’s company shows me that this “open secret” wasn’t really as “open” as some people seem

I doubt Clooney thought Weinstein was “loved”; he probably thought he was tolerated for his money/power/influence. There’s a difference between sleazy rich dude and rapist rich dude: consent. The fact that the Obamas let their Malia, their 19-year-old daughter, intern for him shows me that this “open secret” wasn’t

Yesterday this site was criticizing him for not speaking out. Now he’s spoken out, and instead of finding anything wrong per se, he’s trying too hard to be woke. What do we expect of him? He’s an actor. I don’t know why people expect him to be some kind of feminist leader.

Presidents in Mexico cannot be re-elected

Unless you think 24-year-olds are “adults,” I disagree. The conclusions drawn from the report are misleading. They say ages 25-54 hold “the largest share of fast-food worker jobs,” but if you look at the report:

Has Jezebel published an article on the Mexico earthquake that’s killed over 200 people?

I don’t think entry-level jobs are “filled with adults.” Sure there’s more adults working them, but my friend works in fast food in his early twenties, and most of his coworkers are younger; several are still in high school.