Because the AG isn’t an at-will employee and can only be fired with just cause, since Congress set his term. Sessions probably advised him on how to go about it correctly
Because the AG isn’t an at-will employee and can only be fired with just cause, since Congress set his term. Sessions probably advised him on how to go about it correctly
Liberals have been saying this shit for years. You keep hoping they’ll do the one thing that will finally make their constituents wake up and vote against them. It won’t happen. Change doesn’t happen spontaneously – things will keep getting worse unless the left can come up with a real alternative to break through.
It doesn’t matter. They’ll find a way to blame Dems, blame insurance companies, blame anyone but themselves.
The bill will also gut funding for special education, deny everyone and NY and CA the subsidies, and who knows what else, because the text of the bill isn’t even online yet, and the CBO hasn’t completed its review.
Misogyny drove the decades of right-wing attacks on everything Hillary Clinton has done or said. Those decades of attacks creates the cloud of suspicion that follows her in our cultural/political dialog
Bomb dogs ≠ drug dogs
The real story is the Russia association. He always tweets bonkers claims like this as softball bad news to distract from the really bad news that comes up about him
FWIW Remy only recently got out of prison for shooting a woman who supposedly owed her money (and who survived with permanent damage to her intestines)
They can’t impeach him. The republican base adores him and they’ll destroy any republican who stands against him
I love it too so I’d say go ahead!
Nah ground beef and beans are delicious. Even when I can afford organic chicken I still make chili with ground beef and beans.
You joke, but the alt-right probably believes it
The landlord is responsible for fire alarms at least. There were no alarms or exit signs, which is why it trapped people. That’s pretty negligent even for a landlord who has no idea how the space is being used (which I find hard to believe). The landlord can be found culpable legally.
That makes sense as long as she doesn’t piss Trump off. It would certainly be in his rational self-interest to leave her alone. But he’s a notoriously vindictive and petty person beyond any rationality. Once he’s the Most Powerful Man in the World™, he’ll be able to do a lot to make her life hell if he so choses.
Yes. She has plenty of room left to fall. Don’t underestimate the autocrat
“she literally has nothing left to lose”
Oh fuck off. No difference in LGB rights? No difference in trans rights? No difference in immigrant rights? You’re one of those who voted for Stein, giving us Trump, right?
And she’s a conservative...
Voting has nothing to do with policy. Only 17% of Republicans support cutting Social Security, but Paul Ryan has promised to eliminate it with a GOP-controlled legislature and executive. The vast majority of people vote based on identity and feelings, not based on policy.