
Thank you! There’s so many different ways to be a feminist, but that doesn’t mean we can’t declare certain choices anti-feminist. There’s of course plenty of debate to be had, and its tough-to-impossible to draw a definitive line in the sand. But I’m pretty sure there’s a line somewhere between Trump/Cruz and

Sigh, that’s not what I’m trying to say. If it helps, I’m a Sanders supporter.

I don’t think there’s a lot of overlap, but I do think unfortunately there is some. As a big Sanders supporter, that upsets me, but ignoring that truth won’t make it go away.

I’m sorry but the first woman president is not in the same ballpark as the first Jewish president. In over 200 years in which this country has always been majority women, we have never had a single woman president.

Yes! I was trying to draw a connection to the “Choices Feminism” debate, and you described it very well.

Yea, its a false equivalence that rubs me the wrong way.

So if a “feminist” voted for Trump you would be okay with that? You would still think they’re a feminist?

That’s because she’s rich and famous and lives in a very liberal big city. All that privilege insulates her from transphobia so she can afford to care more about her taxes than the rights of her fellow queers.

I’m kind of sick of this narrative that “Trump is winning.” Yea, he won NH... with 30% of the vote, and he’s leading in SC... with 30% of the vote. Even the majority of GOP can’t stand him, they just can’t decide on the other candidate.

Absolutely! With modern technology, there’s no reason to delay everything so much.

Our system for nominations/presidents is fucking crazy, and it lasts way too long. Its February and there’s non-stop election coverage, but the actual election isn’t until fucking November.

Yea I love Bernie, but he needs to step up his intersectional analysis. He’s been in Vermont too long!

Why not? He’s criticized for inexperience, then when he points out his long, effective experience, he’s a hypocrite for having experience? Just keep moving those goalposts...

I think W is much more gregarious and charismatic, hard as that is to believe given how loathed he is today. Jeb doesn’t have those presidential political talents, and its why he didn’t stand a chance in the first place.

These mailers didn't indicate they came from the Cruz campaign. He made them look like they came from the state.

“he’s getting his MD at USC and MBA at Yale simultaneously”

I see what you’re saying, but to me the difference here is that she’s not using any kind of slur; she’s just stating a fact. Yea, she’s dragging out things that IMO should stay private about a relationship, but Ye opened that can of worms himself, so idk if that defense works here either.

I actually love this clapback because I think she’s just using his own sexism/homophobia/machismo against him. To put it another way, its only shaming if he’s insecure about his butt being “penetrated” by a woman; if he were cool with it, there’s no shaming. But maybe I’m giving Amber too much credit here...

It’s much for fun for a white person to imagine they are an honorary black person than another Macklemore

If you’re referring to Chicago, it is a bit of an outlier: there was a significant fall starting in the early 1990s just as in the rest of the country, but then flatlined in the early 2000s. Again, no one really knows why...