
I see what you’re saying, but to me the difference here is that she’s not using any kind of slur; she’s just stating a fact. Yea, she’s dragging out things that IMO should stay private about a relationship, but Ye opened that can of worms himself, so idk if that defense works here either.

I actually love this clapback because I think she’s just using his own sexism/homophobia/machismo against him. To put it another way, its only shaming if he’s insecure about his butt being “penetrated” by a woman; if he were cool with it, there’s no shaming. But maybe I’m giving Amber too much credit here...

It’s much for fun for a white person to imagine they are an honorary black person than another Macklemore

If you’re referring to Chicago, it is a bit of an outlier: there was a significant fall starting in the early 1990s just as in the rest of the country, but then flatlined in the early 2000s. Again, no one really knows why...

Considering that the men column is the only net positive favorability (+1%), and he’s at -32% among women, I’d love to see the breakdowns along racial/gender combinations. For example, do white women support this guy? Or is it just white men? From the picture, it looks like the latter

I don’t have the answers to all your questions, but I will say that gentrification doesn’t necessary cause safety. There’s been a pretty uniform, nationwide fall in violent crime since the early 1990s. Other developed countries have seen the same pattern with different starting years. No one really knows why. Some

Nobody cares if you whine on the internet.

Ok I’ll bite, can you elaborate?

I feel like Zara’s whole business model is to copy expensive high-fashion at lower prices. That’s kind why I love it...

Actually I was reading elsewhere that the Dems have a better chance of retaking the Senate this year, because the House districts are so gerrymandered in favor of the GOP — so you’re kind of right!

Every seat in the House is up for re-election every 2 years. One-third of the Senate is up for re-election every 2 years – for 6-year terms.

Linked article says he gave her a second dose of morphine – could that have incapacitated her in that way?

Reagan —> Bush I (1988) (GOP)

Its so fucking tragic that Clinton’s best argument is “I’m more electable because I’m not trying to healthcare better.” If people had always listened to that kind of BS, we’d never have the Civil Rights Act, the New Deal, worker’s rights, universal suffrage, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

No, the Dems caved to GOP opposition and that’s why we don’t have single-payer healthcare. The Dems kept trying to get the GOP on board, and it never worked, and only hampers the reforms’ effectiveness.

There's video from the deli showing him walk in there and chat it up for a few minutes before just walking out. He also apparently walked past a marked police car to get there.

You realize that Western Europe fucked over the entire rest of the world for well over 100 years, committing mass genocide and destroying cultures, and now they just hide behind US Imperialism? What you perceive as greater open-mindedness is rooted in white supremacy, as North African and Middle Eastern migrants are

A lot?? Can you even cite one?

Why do you say that about Gloria? Genuinely curious, I don’t know much about her...

“I don’t really know the purpose of the guys who are out there,” said Susan Hammond. “I kind of understand where they come from, as far as their priorities in life.”