
or internet porn — also a “robot”

Yea I had to Google “define gaslighting” just to make sure it still means that. Jia had me questioning my own sanity the way she was using it.

All of what you said about femininity is 100% true. I say its not a culture though, because to me it really exists within cultures. Femininity (just like masculinity) can mean totally different things to people who come from different cultures or even subcultures.

Race is not the same as sex/gender. “Femininity” is not a culture.

That’s just how the law works. You have to write all the damages down, and the more you write, the more the insurer has to pay.

The first paragraph is exactly the same as the second paragraph from the link. She just changed “heartbreak” for “horror”, “family” for “couple”, and replaced a dash with a comma.

You did differential calculus in 8th grade? Its not a “solve for X” question, its a “solve for X when the derivative is 0” question.

Its not that difficult to just do the calculus by hand:

This happened to me very recently. I racked my brain for months trying to figure out if I had done something to hurt her that pushed her away from me. We spent years as best friends, involved in all kinds of activism, then she just ghosted on me with no explanation. Then a mutual friend told me that her new friends

The parents are fighting for their child’s right to an education without racist bigotry.

Okay, but does this mean their clothes are on sale??

Please take down his picture, his name, everything. You’re doing exactly what he explicitly wanted. Its time that we stop giving these psychos the notoriety that they want. Tell us about the victims, the survivors, the first responders. Literally anyone or anything except the murderer.

4chan needs to be held accountable for enabling mass murder.

Thank you for mentioning Kiera, I had almost forgotten about her. The last article I can find is about her graduating in 2014. Even when there is a small viral backlash, there’s no follow-up to see what happens in the long run.

You’re a heartless, racist asshole.

Well, she asked if they thought she was a slut. What would you have said?

The thing is, it was setup with the idea that if they don’t agree, they just don’t pass the legislation. That’s how it worked for over 200 years. Now, Republicans just threaten to block any and all legislation – even when its completely unrelated and is just necessary for basic government functions – until they get

This is a recent thing. It works like this: Republicans have majorities in the House and Senate, but Democrats have the presidency, which can veto passed legislation, and which requires a 2/3 majority to overrule (which Republicans don’t have). When this happened in the past, they would just pass an overall budget on

LOL! When Obama says “jump,” Xi says “how high?”