
There’s also new work that shows HPV can cause anal cancer in receivers of anal sex, which can apply to men and women. Though, obviously, that would include talking about the gays AND sex, and since we can’t even talk about hetero sex, you know that’s not going to happen.

Its also worth mentioning that Scout is based on her as much as Atticus is based on her father. She also did move to NYC and came back to visit Atticus during the 1950s build-up to desegregation.

Yes, thank you! Its really telling how so many white people are up in arms about Atticus not being a saint of anti-racism. Guess what, defending an innocent black man from a lynch mob is not the most radical anti-racist action. I’m really looking forward to seeing Atticus come crashing down to earth in Scout’s adult

You really have no idea what segregation was like in the South. Many, many white people who were supposedly upstanding, moral citizens defended segregation tooth and nail. It was not at all far-fetched for a white man who defended an innocent black man from a lynch mob to be staunchly pro-segregation. I have not read

Senile? Are you a doctor? What, specifically, led you diagnose her with dementia?

The circumstances do strike me as strange, but I’m trying to take Lee’s word for it that she wants this book published. I just think that Lee’s eschewing of interviews tends to breed rampant speculation in the media.

I think the appeal is that freedom is hard. Its much easier to just submit to an autocratic power that decides how everything is going to work, especially when that power has a relatively comprehensive worldview of how everything should work.

Where are all the body shots??? They’re athletes!

Eh, I don’t think even those documentaries work that well. I’m thinking, for example, of Vice News, which seems to consist mostly of white, NY-based journalists talking about horrible shit in other (read: non-majority-white) countries. Some of what they do can be great in that it exposes people to the more terrible

Its not okay to blame someone or something who’s not at fault, especially when you’re advocating for something that could kill children.

Okay, yes, this story is fucking crazy and it had me laugh-crying too, but pleaseeee lets understand where this poor girl is coming from. I know its easy to respond to these things with snark, but gas-lighting can be so fucking manipulative and convincing when you’re madly in love with the psycho who’s doing it to

Yes you’re totally right how could I forget! It seems like maybe disabilities enhance warg powers? or something?

Yes, definitely, I think this is actually a somewhat controversial topic in Texas! I’m from the Houston area, and I have family all over the South, so that’s probably why I think of myself as Southern. I do think it depends on where you are in Texas. Southeast Texas strikes me as a lot more Southern, and El Paso on

So, in the book, there’s a lot more subtle leading up to the warging. Bran starts having dreams about being a direwolf, then later actually realizes he is his direwolf in those dreams, and then later wargs into him. Arya and Jon both have dreams as their direwolves, but those came later, and they apparently haven’t

Um, you do realize that Texas was part of the Confederacy? Many people do consider it part of the South, or at least parts of it.

Almost every time I’ve stayed with a friend, they’ve said up front that I can have sex there, and sometimes even offered to facilitate procurement of said sex. I guess I’m friends with a bunch of sluts – and I love it.

I think its because the show started to rewrite so much of the plot, and the shows’ writers just don’t have the meticulous plotting abilities of GRRM. This isn’t really surprising since that’s the great talent of Martin, and what makes his writing so great IMO. I’m hoping that the show will give Martin the overall arc

Well, I’m a “dumb customer” too in that I have idevices. I was talking more about things like iCloud storage, which costs at least twice as much as the competition and whose only advantage is ease-of-use in Apple’s ecosystem. I think Apple is just targeting the fat wallets with these products – as with gold iwatch,

As long as dumb customers with deep pockets keep buying all of Apple’s overpriced music, movies, storage, etc., they’ll keep selling it.

Yes, but there are reports of people waiting 3-4 hours with pre-purchased tickets who couldn’t even get into the concert. Like you said, people get unruly at any concerts, but it sounds like these concert organizers did a terrible job setting things up.