
I want to punch all of the reporters pointing out that he doesn’t “fit the usual profile” not only because of his age but because he is white. Some of them have practically said straight out that it can’t be terrorism because he is white. But of course, most acts of terrorism in this country have been committed by

Just need to point out that, once again, white dude killing dozens of innocent people, but the “Muslim Ban” is what’s going to keep us all safe.

And if you’re going to be a Bouvier, Jackie is such a basic choice. Be either Big Edie or Lil’ Edie.

Patty or Selma is also acceptable.

These poor souls have already suffered so much, and you would inflict Florida upon them?

That shirtdress is an unacceptable length. Acceptable longer lengths are:

“You know what I’m going to do when I’m president?

All this winning must be getting exhausting for Trump supporters.

It’s worse than that. If only it were just trump love but it’s like her twitter is a horrendous alt-right, conspiracy theory machine. Imagine any batshit 300x forwarded email you’ve gotten from a racist aunt or drunk uncle, turn it up to eleven, and that’s her twitter.

We already have one demented clown with orange hair scaring the shit out of us on a daily basis. Quit it with the bonus clowns.

All Fox had to do to end up with a bunch of perverts is hire conservative men in all positions of authority. What is a conservative but one who longs for the return to the values of the past? But, what was really going on in the past besides women and people of color being abused and disenfranchised at the whim of men

Wow this is awful. She’s very brave in doing this especially since people will accuse her of doing it for money and/or attention.

Here’s a thought. Get behind early sex education, free and abundant birth control, and plenty of low cost child care.

They’re not going to deport nearly enough people. They just want to terrorize everyone who is here. And they want to make citizens like me feel like this is not our country, like we don’t matter. This is about terrorizing some of us and demoralizing the rest.

But but but if he did his job like he was supposed to and not violate the fourth amendment then how on earth is he supposed to look like the cop with the most power and biggest penis in front of all the other cops!?! Did you even think about how important his ego is to him Stig? I bet you didn’t.

You’d be surprised at how well child predators hide their... Grossness. Can’t really blame the town. :/

Obama has way too much class to do that, unfortunately. (Or fortunately.)

Did anybody actually watch the video of that insane clusterfuck in the Oval Office? The one where some chanting preacher was dramatically invoking Jesus’ name and thanking God for Trump and Pence and for giving the President the wisdom to call for a national day of prayer, and a woman appeared to be weeping,

Any church or other religious organization that is physically capable of offering shelter during a disaster and doesn’t should have its tax-free status automatically revoked. They should have to pay taxes like any other business until they can prove their charitable value to the community.

I fucking hate everybody in this administration and I can’t wait for them to live out the rest of their lives in disgrace.

I think the people reading this website have already figured out Ivanka is just a dumb ineffectual bitch who benefits off of her racist, sexist, asshole father by pretending to be above it all. Let her burn. I want to see her lose everything and I want to see her little plastic surgery nose and cheekbones fall