Is funny how we can largely agree but largely disagree. Commenters on Jezebel look at this case as ‘this poor person is being denied a basic civil right.” Maybe the years of practice have jaded me, but I look at this like “who will abuse this, and how will they abuse this?”
He’s definitely raised the bar. Sure, he isn’t perfect (drones come to mind), but imagine how much he would have accomplished if the Republicans (and some Democrats) hadn’t fucked him (and us) over. And how much he did accomplish even with that constant roadblock.
Also not Renard but an Actual Lawyer, I personally think the decision is shit, but I agree with someone upthread who said that this is a temporary measure until a full court can hear the case, because it is that much of a seminal case. From a judicial process standpoint, preserving the status quo until they can make a…
It only takes 4 to take a case, so he was basically saying “though I disagree with your outcome, we are definitely going to take this case, and so preserving the status quo until then makes sense.”
Baratheon is the house of my heart (I mean, “Ours is the Fury”? C’mon) so I say this with love: Renly would have been an awful king.
This is an excellent way to unite the party, by relentlessley making fun of Bernie’s supporters, calling them “Bernie Bros”, children, spoiled, racist and by cherry picking one or two hold-outs and acting as if that’s all his supporters, despite poll after poll showing Hillary pulling in 90% of us, far more than the Hi…
I really hope South Park makes a Chinpokomon Go episode.
I find this is pretty true in life. Being able to admit you messed up will typically help you mend fences with anyone and get things right. Work or personal life.
Meh, I’m not impressed. Triple deke or bust.
Your sports talk radio show is The Deadcast.
I mean, as far as orators go she is worse than a lot of them. How do you point out she isn’t inspiring/particularly good at speaking without sounding sexist? Do you compare her to other women to illustrate that no, this isn’t a woman problem, but a Hillary problem? Michelle Obama way better at sounding…
I’ll tell them what. I’ll stop using the API scanners as soon as they fix the fucking 3-step bug. How about that?
“ was impossible to read on a phone without clicking an ad seven times...”
Sources tell us that Labaton Sucharow has reached out to former ESPN employees in an attempt to gather information that could be used in a potential class-action suit against Disney.
Ohio State Blackeyes
This really sucks for Charlotte. They passed an anti-discrimination bill first, then the state swooped in and nullified it with HB-2. The city of Charlotte did the right thing and ended up getting screwed.
We now go LIVE to the 14-year old version of myself for a reaction....
Whew. I feel much better knowing Harden won’t have to defend anything here.