i even hate it when he kiss my face too much. like get off my damn cheeks boy, i spent an hour on this.
i even hate it when he kiss my face too much. like get off my damn cheeks boy, i spent an hour on this.
What’re you doing? Just being a dick to everyone who understand why the survivors would want to sue in the first place?
Best pistolwhip him in the head just to be sure.
i’m sold. i love that shit.
Do you think that everyone participating in this lawsuit had always believed Cinemark was not responsible? Or were they trying to do the one thing they could to instigate change?
how much money will you personally be compensating this woman for the loss of her children
She rejected a deal for money in favor of more money, ergo her top priority was probably money
It reads to me like she was being stubborn. If everyone else accepted, she probably thought she had to be the heart of the cause.
This isn’t because she is grieving, she wanted more money.
Well she sure didn’t give a damn about anyone else but herself.
I’ve resolved that you don’t know what frivolous actually means.
she opted to be greedy
They trusted a piece of plastic to protect the life of a woman.
since he was seemingly only a threat to women - specifically, Tierne Ewing - I’m not sure the judge cared all that much.
Why did the judge set such a low bail?
This judge is culpable in her murder.
girl. same.