just noticed in the screengrab they;re outside the NAACP building
this is too much of a poe. hesitant to star.
Honestly, the only thing I think BSG fucked up with is GSM representation. Gaeta is the only queer character, and only confirmed to be queer in a fucking webisode. That was some bullshit.
I’ve made the same assumption.
I loved the Gaius cult! He has no idea what to do with these people and I liked watching him fumble.
It was the proper ending because it was the only ending that could’ve been. IA, we ALL saw it coming. And they played it well.
Folks saying they wouldn’t mind if another Black man was unnecessarily killed by police because it’s CB is getting me all fucked up.
I’m not praying for another Black man dead by cop, no matter the circumstances.
LaHood’s suspenders cause autism according to this one study I just made up.
Anyone who can’t appreciate and grow from the experience of having a neurodivergent child doesn’t deserve them.
I believe Amber when she say her ass real. I dunno why I believe her tho.
and now you’re wrong.
ain’t no man ever ask you for just the tip?
why....why did you think that this was an appropriate comment?