People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.
People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.
Fuck that guy, fuck Walgreens, and fuck the law making it ok.
Anyone who thinks TLJ “ruined mah childhood” has clearly never moved beyond that childhood.
I am so irate by all of this. “He’s staying in touch with his idiot base by being an even bigger idiot” is so mind boggling I just...
The idea that grammar is elitist pisses me off so, so much.
Chris Pine does the voiceovers for the BMW commercials that run incessantly on Tennis Channel.
Conservatives in October 2016: It’s just locker room talk!
Conservatives in April 2018: This lady comedian is so vulgar!
People keep claiming that Wolf makes fun of Sarah Slanders’ physical appearance, and I’m still trying to figure out where she does that. The smoky eyes and Aunt Lydia jokes were so fucking obviously about the lies and the bullshit.
The only photos of Michelle we have rights to are of her alongside Patton. So it was either a close, awkward crop, or something resembling the one I used, which I think is actually sort of sweet—especially because he has continued her work.
No asshole, what we need right now are #thoughtsandprayers
Really? Does it really matter what kind of controller was used? The controller had almost nothing to do with this story. The kid’s rage at not being able to play his video game, however, has everything to do with the story.
Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.
You gonna take that shit, Rex? From a little punk like Trump? You actually are a captain of industry. (Hell, you probably know who to call to put together a mercenary army in a pinch.) Go have lunch with Mueller. Couple o’ cold beers. I bet you guys will get along great.
Seriously, even if there has never been any collusion between the Russians and Trump, you’d think they’d put the slightest amount of effort into not making it appear as though Trump speaks with Putin more often than he does with Melania whenever the administration does anything remotely related to Russia.
Tillerson speaks out against Russia in the poisoning of the British spy. Tillerson is out of the job 24 hours later. And the new chief diplomat of the United States is the former chief spy of the United States.
Laura, the girl who lost her friends when she came out as “conservative”, shows how the internet has really been instrumental in radicalizing people and bringing horrible people together.
Mostly thumbs.
Oh, come on. You know that if she didn’t respond, people would’ve written op-eds being like, “Why hasn’t Hillary responded? Does she endorse sexual harassment?” Everything Hillary Clinton does and does not do is news and has been since at least 1992.
Can we stop with the Clinton shit. She is no longer news. She is not the president. She is not actively destroying our country. She is a flawed person who has made a fair amount of stupid decisions in her life. She has also been attacked relentlessly for her mistakes. And also for everything else she has ever done. It…