Do the old gimmick of having Trump look in the mirror. Baldwin plays Trump; Rosie O’Donnell plays the reflection.
Do the old gimmick of having Trump look in the mirror. Baldwin plays Trump; Rosie O’Donnell plays the reflection.
okay, now we NEED Rosie to play Bannon...
This was the most inspired move by SNL in a long time. You just know its going to get under EVERYONE’S skin in the Trump Admin. Everyone knows Trump watches SNL like a hawk, here’s hoping next week’s Alec Baldwin ep is 100% Trump jokes. They fucking owe it to us after giving Dear Leader a whole show to himself.
This was pitch perfect. I’m pretty sure the real Spicer would love a podium he could pick up and beat people with.
She was so great; no mistakes, flubbed lines or delays, and total commitment to the character.
The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.
His supporters still think trickle down economics is brilliant. They’ll cheer on this change. Because of the billionaires just get richer, maybe one day I’ll make some money too! And let’s not forget they’re JOB CREATORS. even though most of them don’t believe in minimum wage period. Maybe jobs will come back but…
I love that there was a chance that a rapist would get a fat settlement for the child he forced into a woman’s womb. Who says we all can’t be millionaires in Merica?
That was published without comment because my mind was rendered incapable of putting one thought after that.
A friend of mine posted this sign from last weekend’s rally in Boston and I LOVE IT.
Seriously. I’m assuming that I’ll be setting aside at least one day each weekend for protests, and considering if I want to travel down to DC from Boston for marches several weekends in a row.
I’m sure the College Republicans who invited him are thrilled that this happened, because it lets them continue to wallow in their persecution complex.
You invite a nazi to Berkeley and you don’t see this coming?! In any climate, let alone this one?!
“Frederick Dougie Fresh, a terrific guy. One of the best.”
Frederick Douglass died in 1895.
I totally thought he was going to be like in a front rowish area somewhere in front of Trump and the failure to spot him was not such a big deal, but he was literally across the table from him. The only explanations I can think of are that Trump is nearly blind or he actually didn’t know what Giuliani looks like.…
Look, liberals,
I can’t stand that look of awe and childlike adoration on a grown woman’s face. It’s the look every woman with one marble rolling around in her head gives her husband when he’s got two marbles rolling around. Duggard shit