Also, is Georgia able to see Will's face? Is face-blindness selective?
Also, is Georgia able to see Will's face? Is face-blindness selective?
Oh my God, what is this from? I laughed for about a million years.
Wow, I love this analysis. So spot-on!
It was a classy move on Fuller's part - I'm sure we'll get to see it on the DVD or something. Hopefully the ratings don't continue to fall, though.
Yeah, it was definitely "Everyone likes her." Which was kind of sweet in the midst of the awfulness that was this episode.
In a show I was in a few years ago, about an hour before curtain, we had an outbreak of the younger cast members naming The Scottish Play backstage, and the veteran actors were pretty aghast. And with good reason, apparently. Three cast members lost track of the time and couldn't make it back for the show (we had…
I read (and loved) that book when I was a kid. That re-enactment scene SCARED THE CRAP out of me.
I read (and loved) that book when I was a kid. That re-enactment scene SCARED THE CRAP out of me.