
The fans booed the Paris moment of silence because Turkey is not the country Westerners think it is or want it to be. Turkey has become deeply conservative and Islamist under Erdogan and it is hurting our war on ISIS, thanks to its horrible actions against the Kurds.

This article’s description of the Kurds’ actions in

Well, the US certainly hasn’t learned that lesson.

The moment the POTUS ok’d shipping arms to Syria, I was like “I have a very bad feeling about this.”

Not if you paid me. He is a hateful human and probably shite in bed.

Do you mean would I punch the woman-beating asshole in the face? No, but I'd be tempted.

If by hit we’re talking fuck and not assault, no definitely not. Even without the STDs he’s physically and verbally abusive to the women in his life. No bang is worth being treated like shit, even for just one night. Nor should such behavior be rewarded.

I’d even back up over him to do it again.

Women twice his age look too young for him.

Neither the time nor the place, dude.

I remarked to my girlfriend after she heard about this story that “if I ever get that kind of brain damage from anything, please, pull the plug. I don’t want to survive that.”

To which she said “if I found out you got brain damage after a night in a whorehouse, I’d gladly pull the plug.”

That’s top notch crowd logistics right there. Multiple incidents outside with possibly more developing. The safest place those people could have been was inside that stadium. If you let them all out, not only could it lead to panic and stampedes, but possibly a coordinated attack is awaiting them outside.

Yeah, I thought that whole exchange has the shiny veneer of grade-A bullshit. Those would have to be the most well-adjusted teens ever.

And the blonde hair & the slightly attractive yet bland facial features. For sure the dead eyes seal the deal, though. Quit your lying. Anybody that’s ever been a stepparent knows that you’re full of shit. At best, you feel like you’re constantly walking a tight rope, just barely keeping it together above a tank of sharks. At worst, the sharks rip you limb from limb.

Yes, this exactly.

It's the dead eyes.

I saw her on Top Gear during which she boasted about having read “Animal Farm” (or “1984?”) on her own in high school in Texas. Am I the only kid that read it way before high school? Did I just slam her AND humblebrag? I believe I did.

I get what you’re talking about in terms of not sticking things out because it’s bad timing, but I do think you owe it to your partner to at least talk about things before running out the door (assuming there’s not abusive behavior happening or anything dangerous). I think part of the freakout was that he left her FOR

I think it’s because there was a third party involved (outside the womb)- Claire Danes. He left Parker “for” Danes and, to me at least, that sort of implies that Parker was uninvolved in the decision to end the relationship. And her being pregnant at the time just makes his actions seem really sleazy and abandon-y.

I am so disappoint that I’m almost 30 and had no idea that it stretches. What is even the point of health class or sex ed

It certainly CAN fucking hurt. It did for me. And we had lube, went slow, etc. I also couldn’t fit a tampon in until after I started having sex. I assume my hymen covered more of the opening than average. It’s OK, bodies are different. No need to shame women who have different experiences.