
Found the babyboomer

My first 50-miler, when I got to mile 45 I burst into tears & had to stop to cry for a minute. The thought of doing 5 more miles was hell, even though it was basically nothing

I just want to say this is actually a genuinely great and informative comment. Thank you!

I’ve only ever done a 50-miler, but I can confirm that ultras are more mental than they are physical. If you’re going to be serious about doing one, you train so much that the physical aspect is not such a big deal. It’s when you’re sitting at mile 30 (or in her case, mile 60 or so), that your mind starts to fuck with

Wow, it’s almost like the protests, like the national anthem itself, have nothing to do with the troops and everything to do with the dehumanization of black people. Who knew!

It’s Iowa State. They are never predicted to be good.

And yet another Iowa fan can’t let Iowa State have a moment without having to shit all over it. When did you attend the University of Iowa, or did you just stop at WalMart to pickup that shirt?

“Harbaugh knows what just happened—”

“Look at the almost look of shock in the eyes of Flacco.”

Women have been sports reporters since before Newton was born. This woman regularly covers his team. The idea that she is the very first female reporter who has ever asked him a question is... funny. You are very funny.

Pretty much. Bigotry based on a characteristic you were born with and don’t have control over.

Bless your heart.

That’s not a bad take, that is the worst take.

Damn. Spot Fucking On.

This is an impressive display of douchebaggery. The funny thing is that all those people who hate him for being a black quarterback are now going to be fans because of his misogyny. “He’s just not POLITICALLY CORRECT, YOU FEMALE SNOWFLAKE!”

Hey, Cam, remember how you feel when people ask if a black QB can learn the intricacies of an NFL offense?

In retrospect, it seens obvious: cats are not very good at basketball.