
The baseball equivalent of

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This is the article that I have been waiting for Jezebel to write. Thank you. Out of respect to Chyna, who was and should always be remembered as a beautiful woman, I would like to add even more to what has been told herein.

You’ll find a lot of people saying that Chyna was one of the sweetest members of the WWE that

1.) Rossi’s comment about what it takes to move to Ducati was a total head-game comment to nudge Lorenzo to leave Yamaha. Better for Rossi.

Boston edition:

I think the most shocking part of this story is that there were TWO people in a Wal-Mart that were anti-Trump.

You missed the entire point.

She’s with Jeeze now.

More importantly, do we have any updates on Louise’s condition?

I think my favorite part about watching this is that this guy doesn’t know what he’s doing. He has an inkling of an idea, and the motivation to attempt it. He keeps getting those screws wrong, and he keeps trying different things until he gets what he wants.

Disclaimer: No brain cells were harmed in this video

Great flip. Excellent flexibility. Good poise. Shame he didn’t stick the landing.

Wow. Let’s just hope that this IS rock bottom, and that he makes it out alive. Actively refusing rehab twice in a week, though, doesn’t bode well. His agent and his family speaking out so publicly: It feels like they are screaming We’ve tried everything else to get his attention and we don’t know what else to do.

From ESPN:

Are there people out there who really would prefer hearing that awful beeping than some harmless words?

That’s more of a stunner than an RKO.

Thankfully Wideman recieved treatment for a concussion before returning to the ice, as per NHL protocol. Of course that protocol is to pop 2 Percocets and wash them down with a can of LaBatts, but still.

Me too. It’s a shame, really. I mean, who builds a private restaurant and invites Will Smith?

Or, you know, it’s kind of fun.

“but did whoever swapped it out have to draw a dick and balls on it?”