
I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order,

I can't believe you're writing that either...

In the Australian Open, the balls roll back into the bunker counterclockwise.

I ran decathlon in college, and jav is one of the events. The throwing motion is similar to a outfielders throwing motion, but mixed a little bit with throwing a football. It puts a ton of strain on your elbow, and decathletes/heptathletes (like this girl) have other events to worry about; multi-eventers don’t

Or maybe just make sure your kids are playing Pokemon GO in Canada, where you probably wont get robbed at gunpoint.

Isn’t this the point of the game? Go to real-life locations, find some pokemon or trainer, fight them, and the winner gets the loser’s pokemon and wallet? I mean, that’s how I’ve been playing. I nailed an 8 year old in the knee with a tire iron for a sweet Jigglypuff and some pogs.

The email is cringeworthy youthspeak, but no worse than what Gawker writers routinely use.

Only appropriate that on 4th of July the American once again conquers the Brit.

still in a public beta phase

This happens more than most would like to admit. However many, many survive this ordeal, and once finished with the BAR call themselves lawyers.

For those without a lobotomy, the Huyndai Ioniq will soon be available

Thanks. I really had no idea how profitable it was. I’m just a simple caveman lawyer; the internet frightens and confuses me.

I feel that the market for destroying things is over saturated. Destroying expensive things some of us can’t afford, feels like a slap in the face. I just don’t hate anything enough to get a kick out of destroying it, and specially if it’s someone else destroying it. It had already been done by the guys in office

What is this? A shuttle for ants? How can we be expected to send astronauts to space... if they can’t even fit inside the building?

Was it in bad taste? Yes. Do we need to shock people into waking up and realizing that this kind of rhetoric isn’t ok and leads to horrific action? Also yes.

“Dude, chill the fuck out.”

I appreciate that the driver of the white car put his right turn signal on before chasing after the truck. Gotta respect the rules of the road.

1983 Sony.

Like this?

Say what you want about nostalgia, but the real answer has to be now. All the modern safety, amenities, room and power are a really great combination.