
I had to more or less order my last artist to give me some freaking diversity for my prototype. It’s a genuine question and doesn’t even boil down to shoehorn ingredients anything in. It’s a matter of why not? If gender, race, ethnicity or orientation isn’t critical why not be as broadly inclusive as you can be?


Those would be pretty interesting games!

You created an alt-account for this hot take?

You’re being way too reasonable for the GamerGate crowd, sorry.

I mean, we’re not talking about creating characters and then gender-swapping them. We’re talking about a preproduction process where the writers might say something like “alright, and then Nate and Sam go into this old man’s house” and then someone says “what if it’s a woman?” and everyone’s like “hey yeah.” Maybe

As a concept artist, I think asking that question consistently is really empowering, actually, as long as it’s responded to appropriately. It’s not a “can we fit a female/nonbinary/minority into this character?” sort of thing, it should be moreso “is this character better as something other than a while, straight

Those questions should absolutely also be asked! The whole point is: Your first stab at designing the character might not be the best. Heck it’s most likely the most standard and boring thing there is. So check what you can change about the character and if it’ll make it, in your opinion, more interesting.
Heck, that

Diversity is a good thing. Looking at every character and seeing if they should be female seems complete crazy to me. It’s rare that the gender matters at all in games (I mean storywise, not representation),so how do you have that conversation?

Why not the Lijang Tower of D.Va?

STOP SELLING ME SHOWS THAT DON’T EXIST! Seriously, what about an “artist spotlight” in the title?

How do you make grog without rum?

Get him on it. In cosplay.

I have a couple of thoughts:

People are ignorant. They should of took that guys email and banned him from League. This kind of behavior is why I won’t play MOBAs, even though they look like so much fun. If you want hyper sexualized female characters, go play one of the MMOs that sell it. People didn’t even care to read the character’s background

Only took 33 champs for them to realize there was a market for non DDD cups.

“If you must hate, hate Teemo.”

It was written while she was still at Insomniac. Shockingly, as game designers, we can write about other game and publishing types than the one we work on.

It was obvious to me that SSM wasn’t the end of it. LGBT still has a long way to go. You can get fired in most states. Trans people such as myself get murdered in extremely high numbers.