
Colin, since you’re happy to put your political views on display answer me this. What is a woman?

Can’t get with the program? Get used to it. The world is changing, & you are at a distinct disadvantage if you don’t keep up. If I can do it, then anyone else can. I’m not too bright.”

You can’t type Trump properly. You should maybe have a lie down.

Like winning the cold war?

Jesus, Erin. Can’t you write about cars instead of politics for once? This was a car blog.

As much relevance to a car site as a review of Russian vehicles on the border of the Ukraine.

They have to pay no tax due to accumulated losses. Losses from prior years can be offset against the current years gains. So, no, Tesla hasn’t made a cent in profit yet. When it does then it will pay tax like any other business.

So “set protestors on fire if I don’t agree with them” is your position? 

Or a 100 per cent wrong. You might want to have a look at a dictionary.

Or we could call them protestors because they’re protesting.

Have you tried reading someone other than Marx?

It’s a bit tragic that this isn’t the most starred comment. 

You did. Not in so many words but that was exactly the take-away you wanted to come across.

Did he?

The 14th Army would disagree with your last remark.

God, yes. All of this.

Not that great for those on either low incomes or who live in the less wealthier parts of the world you pompous prick.

If you were going to report on Insulate Britain it’s a pity you didn’t mention the woman who is now crippled for life because they wouldn’t let the ambulance pass. Still they got to feel good about themselves for a bit I suppose, which is the important bit I’m sure. (Although their knowledge of how cars actually work

Isn’t defining someone by the color of their skin.....racist?

when people discovered that Bernie Sanders owned more than one home. He lost the nomination both times and, low-and-behold, years later, nobody actually cares”