Becca Bankston

I would advise against the hysterectomy. She definitely should just wait and also try the low phosphorus, low calcium diet to see if it works for her; in addition to getting her genes mapped. While waiting though, she should see her doctor regularly to test and make sure she does not become anemic.

Your girl should get her genes mapped to see if she has a CBS mutation. CBS mutations hinder the body's ability to break down and excrete sulfur and phosphorus. The body then creates and uses fibroids as a storage facility for the excess sulfur and phosphorus that cannot be excreted. The body also then uses heavy

Well, I liked the episode. And I think the portrayal of the Christian rock band was pretty spot on. And Gloria making Jay do other things was spot on and realistic. The only thing I had a problem with was that they insulted Ethiopian food. Ethiopian food is delicious and everyone knows that. They really dropped the