Do not body shame any woman. Not even women whose political beliefs are abhorrent. Body shaming those we dislike just supports a paradigm where people who do not like our political beliefs can body shame us.
Jolie Kerr is a cleaning expert and advice columnist. She’ll be here every other week helping to answer your…
Hahahaha, this is hilarious. I really don't get the people in the comments who are Team Neighbours. Then again, I'm not American, so I have no desire for my house to look exactly identical to every other house in the neighbourhood because the Home Owners Association doesn't own my ass and can't tell me what I can do…
"It's incredibly inconsiderate to everyone else in the neighborhood, is inappropriate for children (yes, I am making that value judgment. No, this does not mean I think they will be scarred for life and turn into heroin-using high school dropouts), and is really, really rude to the rest of neighbors who did not…
Okay, here's the BEST part from the article:
All my fingers and thumbs are middle fingers due to a birth defect, but it gives me the ability to tell ten people to fuck themselves at the same time.
Anyone who still eats lutefisk is up to no good.
Over at the Huffington Post, Parker Marie Molloy calls out cis, gay men for the overuse of the word "tranny,"…
I think it's fitting to include that type of experience, since harassment can easily escalate to assault, or at the very least feel to the victim like it's going to. We never really know if the guy following or yelling dirty things is gonna touch us, right?
In a powerful PSA by United Nations Women, viewers are put in the position of an Egyptian woman as she experiences…
This will amaze you, but there are actually women who can fix their own car and their own computer. Also, my mother mows the lawn half the time. My father mows it the other half. When I get a lawn of my own (alas, apartment), it'll be on me. I can also hook up the new tv and work the remote. Who can't do that?!?
I actually do 90% of our home repairs (painting, drywall, wiring, etc.) because my mother owned rentals in a college town when I was a kid and my brother and I were free labor. I also mow the lawn when it needs to be mowed, take out the trash before it overflows, I know how to use all of the remotes in our house…
No - because she does her own thing and doesn't care what you and I think about it. Jeez.
I believe we can move from here to a place where wrong is right, right is wrong. Where we can bake cookies together and fling flour at each other's noses and laugh gleefully. Where we can have pillow fights and end up a crazy love heap on the floor, limbs entertwined. Where we can have movie marathons, caramel…
She's just using another one of her hair-on-fire buzzwords. If she doesn't throw in "lamestream" or "abort" or "war" often enough, her followers drift off and start rocking back and forth, humming a mashup of "The Little Drummer Boy" and "The Battle Hymn of the Republic".
The Solstice is the "Reason for the Season," and yes, I do so love pointing that out because as a Pagan, it works for me on a couple of levels.