Because of the Implication

Then to who’s credit is the creation and wide spread development of gmo crops?

Especially confusing is the athletic commitments part. According to the NCAA, white people are under respresented as scholarship athletes when reviewed against college demographics.

Laugh all you want. They pump out articles about why interracial dating is bad and regularly negatively stereotype large groups of people based on skin color. If that isn’t racism, what is racism?

Yeah, fuck them for advancing world food production to the point that hunger is only a logistical problem. Jerks!

Because the Root is filled with bigots. Everyone knows that.

“As many Twitter users were swift in pointing out, white applicants are typically afforded immense advantages during the admissions process. Donations from parents, alumni status, and athletic commitments, are a form of affirmative action.”

Lol. It is primtime CBS. They aren’t telling stories. They are showing the result of formulaic tv for idiots.

I mean, that is what it is. This wasn’t a critique on whether or not their shows were good. It was a critique on being too white.

“You don’t give the monkeys the key to the banana plantation.”

But what you prefer is irrelevant to the argument of whether or not Venezuela has been under dictatorship. It has.

They already want the thing out of their body. They don’t view it as human, thus it has no value. Other people will take that valueless lump of cells and turn it into value. Everybody wins.

How is a wife nine months pregnant, but the kid is premature? Also, she divorced him, not the other way around.

You think that based on what? Specific evidence of racism? A special unique source?

Mixing with neadrathals was the best thing that ever happened. I’ll continue to enjoy my wiry strength and ability to handle the cold all day long.

Lol, these are jalopnik commenters recognizing hypocrisy.

Based on identity politics, that is the correct application.

I don’t think there is a final solution to convincing people to raise their kids to be humans.


What current laws are codified specifically to disadvantage POC?

Ow wow. 8 dollars an hour for field work? Like I said. Artificially depressed wages. I’m fine with food costing what it should cost. I don’t want my food to come cheap if it’s cheapness is based on exploiting the American poor and in reality, also the illegal immigrant. Food should cost whatever it costs to produce