
Can't believe this guy created Mad Men.

Now we know how his kid was conceived.

To make Ghost and Summer seem that much more awesome and to make us all beg for No One to start having her (old and the new) god(s) damned wolf dreams already!

No, no apologies needed. If you watch GOT and you missed an episode, you should know that you should not internet until you do. FG, IG, Twitter, Snapchat, Gizmodo - nothing. That’s on them.

If your enjoyment of a show is ruined by hearing about a single plot point, you’re a sad, small-minded person.

No, that’s clearly a golf club. Unless you are riding horses REALLY wrong.

The middle picture looks like the sweetest little naptime fisting to ever occur.

Is Gawker trying to drive Allison Williams to the brink of insanity? Why are we getting such a deluge of negative articles any time she opens her mouth. Is Denton that worried about her boyfriend's awful website taking away views? I get that it's a stupid scene, on a stupid show. But do we really need like 4

People can appeal, though. If there are extenuating circumstances that led to the "misconduct" the unemployment people might take pity. I'm not sure how it works elsewhere, but in MA if an employee appeals a denial, the employer has to actually go to the unemployment office for a in-person hearing in order to contest

Yup, I feel like the regular price should be listed some where so you at least know what price you are agreeing to pay 8 times more than. I mean eight times 10 dollars might be okay but if it's eight times 100 to start that's a way different thing.

I used Lyft for the first time last night. After reading horror stories here, I went to their website first and got an estimate based on the addresses. ($32 for 20 miles was money I was happy to spend) But it would be nice if you could do it through the app.


I may actually try to fool myself with this.

Reba literally just brought a tear to my eye.

grow up. It's almost 30 years.

Well, that's one way to tailgate

If they got rid of everyone else and just had Jessica Williams on all day, I would be okay with that, too.

But for real this looks bad. Why didn't they just use the original footage? Did they not own the rights to it? Just the name, not the past movies?

And she clearly still sounds good, sooo...about that 99%...LOL And before you bring up any "flat" or "off" notes, every singer has at least one. You will rarely hear a live performance with all of the notes completely perfect and on the spot. An instrument is one thing because you can look at it and go "If I do abc,

Shut your whore mouth! Pepsi 4 lyfe!