Spike Spiegel

The only one I quite literally do not want back is fuckin' James. Ye gods, he was a boring actor playing an even more boring character (apologies to James Marshall, who may be a very nice and considerate human being).


Nothing says "kids movie" like vengeful spirits kidnapping a little girl and trying to murder her brother with a clown doll.

Would be awesome if the makers of Black Mesa would work together with Valve in an attempt to start a Portal 2-eske ARG to initiate the Half Life 3 pre-release Hype train to finally get started, with the game being finally released this year, giving us hints through stuff like this to uncover..

I wish people, nerds, no less, would stop using nerdy as an insult, even jokingly. It's like "go make me a sammich, woman" jokes. Continuation of a bad trend under the guise of fun through mild ridicule.

"I'm all for enjoying what you've earned, except for this case, when you can't enjoy what you've earned."

Good for him. He made a fun game, he didn't rip anyone off. He's earned his money.

Neither was Street Fighter

CLUE. hands down.

Just goes without saying...

Boobox is right and your idea of sitting on a massive joystick is something out of south Park.


And, thanks to X-Men: DoFP, we can retcon W:Origins Deadpool into oblivion through a legit in-universe reason!

Rebel pilot

When Avatar came out I'd just done my back in. I was lying on the bed in emergency, unable to move much, and every doctor or nurse who came in was "Oh, have you seen Avatar? It's amazing." So I'd look up at them and say "No, I've been busy swearing and getting brought here in an ambulance, actually."

Dino Observer Sphere with Firing Tranq Missile! Coming Summer 2015 from Hasbro!

Humanster balls!