Spike Spiegel

I've been playing a bit of it. Not enough to give my opinion but it seemed cool.

The first Unreal has my favorite video game soundtrack of all time.

It was not BAD or anything, but even as someone who never played UT before I thought it was ehh.

Is it really true to say Cliffy B was to blame for 3?

I've been waiting for an old school online shooter, I've missed those.

"Nothing innovative whatsoever, try again."

Pretty sure people have said it drains battery life more, and it's not really needed more most games now anyways.

Maybe the Rift is mostly flooded with games that haven't been made for VR because the consumer version isn't out yet?

So that means it's better than the rift? Right...

Please show me what's worth playing on Sony's head set then.

I love the art style in this game. There have been games that try to be vibrant and somewhat succeed but this, this is just over the top colorful.

One time Fallout 3 autosaved me near some bandits, and I was low on health and ammo.

Or the equivalent, dieing and forgetting to save (shitty auto saving).

Mario Kart DS was awesome.

misa jay see dentun

And then the cycle repeats.

Bigots, really.....

It had 3d glasses? I was never aware of a 3d mode to be honest.

I am glad I held off playing any games after fire red (yes, that long).

Amnesia did no such thing, just like Half-Life should not be blamed for shitty scripted fps games.