*double post due to weird comment system*
*double post due to weird comment system*
Nothing is above the master race!
I'm a what?
And textures and bump mapping and models and particle effects and sprites and collision.
The ZOTE 3 game also comes with a free MGS5 demo WHICH also comes with Ground Zeroes.
k lol
No one cares about the single player, it was all about the online and was probably one of the best online DS games besides Mario Kart.
I also probably wouldn't be dead.
I am an unlucky and poor bounty hunter.
Even as a person who has never dated anyone, this sounds pretty true.
Or snugly the Crow.
I think it at least up scaled to widescreen, but I wouldn't know.
I also started Fusion but have yet to get that far into it.
A person posting such a negative comment can't possibly even fathom what "positive" is.
I sold my Wii years ago (I sort of regret this, but only for a select few exclusives).
He would at least need to be a bit bigger than Samus, or else it wont make any damn sense.
I've actually been playing the series for awhile, but never really 'got into it' after playing Zero Mission (which was relativity recent).
Let me be more clear: I just really started to appreciate the series.
I just got into Metroid so this is fucking amazing.