I instantly thought of this lol.
I instantly thought of this lol.
Now all we need is that overly complicated image scanner from Bladerunner.
With full voice commands!
Enhance! pan right, stop. Enhance 34 to 36- stop. Pull back, STOP. STOP!!!
That is odd, I really thought it was a well known fact.
I'll be honest that I don't really have any real proof before this point. It's possible the reboot Raven software made might have found its way into my subconscious since I've hardly played the series and just kind of have very general knowledge of it.
People didn't know that?...........
I really wanted them to make a Spawn video game (I realize Spawn isn't that popular these days, but I think if they applied what they learned from Arkham they could make something good), or a TMNT game.
Both open world ofcourse, and Spawn would have super awesome cape physics.
Agreed. I've been making character's in my head for years and if I even got a fraction of the attention Ken has gotten, that would totally out weigh any disgust I would have for potential hentai/porn.
Yeah, I touch someone's nerve every now and then. It's really just a matter of time before someone finds something they don't like and goes internet bad ass on you.
To be fair, most people I talk to on here are pretty cool.
I think my own child showing up on porn would be 100 times more traumatic.
Well that was interesting to say the least.
Oh jeez, thanks for reminding of that.
*goes into a traumatic relapse*
They all get a free tumble weed!
Mario Kart DS was the shit back in the day :(
Not to be an ass, but I was joking.
Your move, creep.