Spike Spiegel

Why thank you.

well that's embarrassing.

"Oh god! That turtle will eventually nibble on me sometime this week!...............................THINK OF THE CHILDREN!"

I can't breath.

Agreed, you have no idea how self conscious I am or how much social anxiety I have around people I don't know.


That's fucking awesome lol.

I still have mine, it's in alright condition and seeing as it's even worth a lot USED, I feel pretty darn lucky.

It's really unfortunate we will never get a sequel since capcom is the most ass backwards company to me now.

At least I haven't played Legends yet, even though Tron Bonne was only really 30 % similar to that

I'll take 20.

My mistake, I thought he meant Anti Aliasing.

Unfortunately it's very rare and expensive, so if you ever want to play it just use an emulator.

I want a Tron Bonne sequel ;_;

Wait they don't? seriously? HOW?

That's pretty bad lol.

That goes for any franchise, there will always be people who mildly aren't amused by something.

Not a big deal really.

First Class was like the first X Men movie that didn't put me to sleep.

I always thought the turians had interesting faces, even if they are generally human-ish.

It's still very fucking lazy, like not even respectable indie devs would do this.

But the unfortunate reality if this poor excuse for Tali's face is that it will be around....forever. It will never go away. It can never be undone.

Oh you mean that shitty Photoshopped photo we got?

I don't know if being faithful is a good thing in this case.