
Can we please make sure we NEVER let drunk racist uncles and their cousins run the country again?

Sates is a correctly spelled word, its just not part of the name of the country of which Fat Donny Two Scoops is president. Spell check can do many things, but it can’t tell the difference between does not and doe snot.

So tired of all these tired arguments.  What we should be doing is looking at all the things we have problems with and finding workable solutions rather than arguing over philosophies.  Easier said than done.  But all I can say is that if you are a rich as fuck 1% and you are against giving up some of that money to

This is (or can be) true. The rub is that like any system of government, the viability and success of that system is realized by the people who run it. A system is just a system—what matters is what the people do with it.


You could pretty much say that about anything with the USA

“coastal elites”

Be careful what you say about dried out dog turds etc etc etc

Be careful what you say about hagfish. At least they spawned an enjoyable mall punk band.

You watch what you fucking say about sharks. Sharks are beautiful, intelligent majestic creatures who have been in perfect harmony with their environment for hundreds of millions of years. And when they die, every part of them returns to the ecosystem form whence they came.

They only kill for food, have a complex

And they voted for this con man in the first place. Enjoy your barrel fittings, guys!

It’s been a minute since anyone saw her dad.

Lol at this bitch is out here ragging the government that her war hero father has helped run for half life and worked for the other half. If the government is so incompetent, then some of it is dad’s fault. As long as we’re here, a short list of government money well spent for the public benefit:

I look forward to Fox News ripping on Trump and the farmers for giving/getting free handouts totaling billions of dollars. Should I hold my breath?

Meghan McCain is the worst of the white woman complex. She will be protected no matter what. Knows nothing of suffering or hardship and worst of all is a spineless toady for anything GOP. The sitting piece of shit in the white house mocked your father’s service to this country and yet you defend him like a mother cub.

And I don’t want my grandkids growing up in a theocratic totalitarian corporate fascist dystopian industrial wasteland police state. So... where do we go from here?

Imagine how ingrained the patented Subway smell (TM) would be in your skin after sitting there for an hour...

They don’t even make any sense when they call 911. Why would anyone sit around for a freaking hour in a restaurant with cameras everywhere waiting to rob the place? With small children in tow at that. White people can’t even attempt to make any sense when they try to get Black folks arrested.

just read the man who was the focus of bbqbecky’s venom is now running for town council. that’s an answer to all this shit; getting in positions of authority.

“Hello 911? This motherfucker wants a sandwich but all I smell is bourbon on his breath.”