
I’m not misreading. You’re misapplying.

I don’t think we need to keep calling his tweets “unhinged” anymore - that’s assumed at this point.

I remember back in 2001, W gave the 300th commencement speech at Yale University. Speaking humorously to the “C” students in the audience, he told them someday they too could be president of the United States.  Looks like we’ve lowered the bar even more since that time...

Nixon’s approval ratings were still in the 20's when he left office.

The bottom third... In other words, the people who couldn’t manage a “C” average in school. That’s not really surprising - any given large population sample will include morons. 

About a third of the American voters thinks Trump is doing great. I find that scarier than Trump being President.

Kind of like Bill Clinton - only his wife was stupid enough to stay married to him!  Oh, and Bill lied about it under oath - an actual crime!

I think we have a Trump quote to contradict EVERY eventual Trump quote.

last night, i watched an old video from “snl” - satire of the debate between bush & gore (stratergery vs. lockbox) - it wasn’t even funny any more, just quaint.  remember those good old days?

Are you implying anyone in Trumps base cares about whether Trump says the complete opposite of what he said before?

Gosh, remember what silly drama queens we liberals were when we warned what it would be like having Donald Trump as president? Boy do we look silly now!

The Bezos rant is even stranger since it’s been reported that the National Enquirer has a safe full of damaging Trump stories that recently made their way to Mueller’s team.

> but this entire experience is also a testament to how quickly we can become acclimated to bizarre situations. America’s most basic institutions are falling apart and yet life goes on.

*rapist wit.

With all his experience, you’d think so, but the Stormy Daniels thing shows he’s not even an expert at that.

It’s super easy to convince my teenage son that asinine childish bullying is bad and you’ll get in trouble for it when he has such amazing role models in the highest positions in society.

You have to admit, whatever his failings, he is an expert on mistresses and divorce.

I once read a statement on the writing of Sci-Fi (delivered by Cliff Blezinski, of all people) that I think fits here. I’m paraphrasing, but the idea is that in any Science Fiction tale, the author has to put in a few familiar things—be it social standards, behaviors, or a bit of recognizable technology—in order for

He won't be convicted of anything. But he shouldn't need to be, for him not to sit on the bench either. And the Republicans have no ethics at this point, or they'd kill his nomination. It's not they can't find another middle aged white conservative lawyer to nominate.

Without looking up the laws for that state, I would assume any statute of limitations on attempted rape would have expired long before, so I don’t think this was ever about actually incarcerating him anyway. Just giving us insight on his lack of character.