
Yep. And he just cruelly attempted to wield his power over the body of a captive adolescent girl a few scant months ago; this behavior has never stopped for him.

He won't be convicted of anything. But he shouldn't need to be, for him not to sit on the bench either. And the Republicans have no ethics at this point, or they'd kill his nomination. It's not they can't find another middle aged white conservative lawyer to nominate.

Without looking up the laws for that state, I would assume any statute of limitations on attempted rape would have expired long before, so I don’t think this was ever about actually incarcerating him anyway. Just giving us insight on his lack of character.

Right? And in the whole universe of “he said, she said” I just don’t understand how people’s brains get so twisted. If this were a bank robbery we were discussing, it wouldn’t go this way.

Yep. There can a different standard between “convicted in criminal court” and “not appointed to SC”. And there should be! There’s plenty of reasons that Kavanaugh shouldn’t be appointed that have zero to do with the attempted rape allegation.

Since she was drinking, and therefore not doing what she was supposed to be doing, the law affords her no protection.

Not to mention that this same guy has zero compunctions about lying - going so far as to commit perjury. But sure, we’re supposed to take his word that it never happened.

Rape is about power, not about sex. How many times do you have to tell people that?

We can talk about things being a witch hunt when we consider whether we should literally hang Kavanaugh.

Id like to remind this asshole that even if there was no actual rape-the assault in the process of attempting the rape is still pretty damn traumatic for the victim.

I’m so fucking sick of this “WITCH HUNT!!!” bullshit the GOP and its supporters scream to try defend their illegal and immoral actions, that I think there should be a Constitutional amendment saying that anyone who compares 21st political scandals to the Salem Witch Trials gets beaten to death by a mob wielding tube

Culture, nature, whatever. If he can’t consume it, exploit it or fuck it, it’s of no worth to him. Fucking boorish dullard. 

Yep.... just like he thinks he ‘made’ Omarosa, he has to make sure to establish ownership over the next woman in the news. Disgusting little man.

came to post it myself.  Man is class

This makes me feel better for about a half second, followed up by waves of agony and longing. 

Thank you, and I’m totally not getting tears. Nope. Not happening

Ahhhhh that’s the palate cleanser I needed. thanks QF.

“She worked for me on numerous occasions.”

I think we all need this:

When the President is their leader, why not? “No collusion. Not Illegal.”