
They almost never get fired, always suspended. (as a show of support)

Imagine how ingrained the patented Subway smell (TM) would be in your skin after sitting there for an hour...

And Ted Cruz is a severed tongue-face of a xenomorph that went to Earth and grew up to realize its dreams of disenfranchising poor people!

I’m astonished that I continue to be astonished by how clueless Rauner is.

 Psshhh...$200-$300 is even being generous. Nowadays so many people pay with credit/debit cards I’d wager that the register was sitting somewhere in the neighborhood of $75 give or take. But great theory Subway lady. -_-

The Nazi ran unopposed in the primary because a Democratic incumbent in a Chicago-area district is a mortal lock to win the general. So there’s no potential harm to the GOP from a gamesmanship perspective in Rauner saying “vote for anyone else, even the Democrat,” and there’s the PR benefit of being on record as

Who the fuck keeps pulling you out of the greys, troll?

It is time. Succession NOW. We can break away with California, the Northeast, Florida and Washington DC. And Washington the state. We will need to figure out a way to move between our regions though. That is the challenge. That is why we have not seceded yet.

Calling it - that person was family to the owner.

I said this in the thread about the congresswoman who was campaigning; it’s already insulting that they think we’re stealing, but it’s more insulting that they think we’re such bad fucking thieves.

Just shut the fuck up, and keep the drink machine behind the counter.

The way this sort of thing is clearly being handled nowadays doesn’t work for all business models which is:

and being there for an hour! it’s a brilliant criminal setup...really lull them into feeling safe and just at that moment grab the money you just gave them!

They don’t even make any sense when they call 911. Why would anyone sit around for a freaking hour in a restaurant with cameras everywhere waiting to rob the place? With small children in tow at that. White people can’t even attempt to make any sense when they try to get Black folks arrested.

just read the man who was the focus of bbqbecky’s venom is now running for town council. that’s an answer to all this shit; getting in positions of authority.


“Hello 911? This motherfucker wants a sandwich but all I smell is bourbon on his breath.”

Administrative leave...from Subway?  

If they are white...? Probably.

Apparently not. I fear some sort of messed up paranoia has seeped into many minds.