So he has not yet made a “new rule” that he can have as many terms as he likes...
So he has not yet made a “new rule” that he can have as many terms as he likes...
I am fairly petrified by November, based on the seeming average IQ of far too many Americans. I really cannot see any light at the end of this tunnel, which is narrowing by the day...
My friend and her husband have owned a neighborhood bar for 20+ years. They were forced to close just before St. Patrick’s day and still cannot reopen according to New Mexico regulations. I believe bars are the last business here unable to operate, unless they get more than half their revenue from food sales and have…
How about boycotting Kim K. & various other K’ forever?
Some faces just scream Republican.
People believe a lot of the shit the Right peddles...and we can only expect more shoveled out between now and November. I have little faith in the overall intelligence of much of the US population; how could it be otherwise, considering the lump who squats like a venomous toad in the White House...we must be a punchlin…
Was it just about 4 years ago when we were hoping the “golden showers” might slam the door on this racist? He is an even better butt for jokes and new nicknames now but I hope we are paying more attention this time around...and especially that all who can vote...
I am nervous about the seeming lack of urgency to make sure Trump does not get another term...seems like because he is such an ideal butt of jokes and incredulity that the point of his evilness and danger potential is somewhat overlooked...
The Other Sister looks just her crooked mom
The people that enrage me are low and middle income “Red” voters who continually vote against their own needs and interests just to be able to say they are anti-liberal etc...the Southern states have huge populations of people who are in dire need of services the right gleefully stomps down on decade after…
I never saw the show but fear it may live on in reruns...:(
I want to have faith in the polls but I don’ so afraid...
I appreciate some of this stuff coming out...but his “base” just calls it all fake news and will vote Republican blindly...even the poor, whose food stamps he wants cancelled, the ones being evicted, thise losing jobs, no childcare is all so pointless...
A lot of the people losing their homes & apartments will still vote for Trump, if they are able to much of his base are on the edge, financially...something beyond my comprehension, that poor or low-income folks can vote Republican...
Not to mention of the biggest threats to pregnant women in US.
Maybe they dress like Brad...
What is she calling degrading? I hope it is the people commenting and not that she may have gained weight...but it is unclear...anyway, here I sit, me & the added weight that goes where I do, since March...
Funny/not funny, this shit, because for too many nod their heads in agreement
I think she is a little too excited by her weight loss, and also lost part of her mind?
Not like the South is primarily known now for poor whites or anything...