
Hey Heather, I did the same thing. I just couldn’t adapt from WoW healing to FFXIV’s preventive SCH. In the end, I rerolled as a WAR and with the help of my static, I managed to clear both Ultimates (UCoB and UwU). It was both incredibly fun and terrifying at the same time.

I’m very happy with the changes for

I main Warrior on XIV, and I gotta say that the idea of jumping to any healing class terrifies me. I’ve always tanked in every MMO I’ve ever played, and feel like the role is a natural fit, but the idea of watching ally health bars while trying to keep my own ass out of the fire is just a bit much.

At its core, tanking

Tifa is looking awesome. Rather like with Aeris and Cloud, she’s translated into the game’s art style really well. The details on her gloves are extraordinary.

The Midgar *reactor* is a short piece of the game. The whole of the Midgar story is quite lengthy, particularly for a first play-through.

This is pretty much the best option imo. There’s no way it would appeal to a wide audience if it was an old turn based combat style. This is a compromise that blends action-rpg with turn-based RPG and it looks absolutely amazing to me.

Trump, right before he got the phone call:

That is a mother forking TALES game. Holy hell Namco, I wanted a new engine but DAMN.

*To the tune of the Game of Thrones theme*

Seriously. Watching that clip has made me excited for a game that really doesn’t exist and probably never will exist. 

I didn’t know I needed motorcycle parkour until right now

Same, every time I see something Star Ocean related I check to see if it's some kind of Second Story remake or port.

Great article.

looks like they are spending tons on the english lip sync, it looks great so far. idk when this is going to launch and in what capacity, but man, just the wait and idea of this being a thing is tickling my nostalgia balls just right. still not sure how to feel about this, but there is enough excitement where i smiled

I prefer it to having an HOA dictate what color my shutters are, or if I can put up a swingset for my kid, or park my brand new F150 in my driveway, or micromanage the hanging plants on my porch, or forbid me from working on my car in the driveway, or fine me if I get too busy to mow my lawn for 10 days, etc., etc.,

I’d rather see this truck than be subject to the asshats that comprise the board of an HOA.

I’m glad loot instancing’ll be optional. I don’t care for it myself, but I can see how it’s often necessary.

I think, at worst, he’s an Alex Smith-type. Athletic, seemingly a good dude, whose thoughtfulness gets mistaken for a lack of toughness.

Even other intense coaches don’t do anything like this. Rick Barnes and Bruce Pearl for instance are able to chew their players out without making them feel physically threatened. There's a line you don't cross. 

My dude, please save the freeze peach argument. The 1A only protects your right to utter protected (meaning non-criminal) speech from the government—not from private entities like developers.

You can say whatever the hell you want, but to claim you have a right to it without consequence is asinine, and demonstrates a

Others have already said it better: “No fucking shit.”

The purchase of a game (or, really, a license) doesn’t entitle you to shit all over the people who made that game just because it doesn’t conform to your individual expectations.

It entitles you to voice your concerns, certainly, but not to issue threats, drop the