
Get it, I’ve been having a ton of fun with it and it was definitely worth the purchase. Just like with everything there’s a ton of assholes out there who take every little thing and blow it out of proportion so they can cry on the internet.

What?! I wasn’t a Bernie supporter, but Trump is not his fault. Millions of Americans being just fine with racism and sexism is what gave us Trump.

Gotta love this attitude.

It was the opportunity to be a dick--and not the dick who chose to be a dick—that was at fault for whatever dickery happened.

Look, dude (or dudette, as the case may be): it’s perfectly possible to be a complete toolbag in the absence of an enabling tool. That’s what Squirr3l decided to do.


Do what you actually said and compare the voice acting, story and animation to the originals. The originals were even more filled with plot holes and wonky animations, and the voice acting for male Shep was so awful I couldn’t not play as a femshep.

These characters for the most part are not military. This whole thing is a giant civilian op with some military soldiers sprinkled in. That is how I’m playing it. Ryder is not Shepard. Neither is most of the crew. They are all civilians. The only Military officer is Cora. Everyone else has a science or Merc

I have to admit that I do miss the ability to use your squad mate’s powers.

yes they are, by a boat load.

Disapointment: Everybody in this thread missed their chance to actually write a reply after their emotional message:

Political comment being forced in when no one asked for it.

Completely unrelated comment about irrelevant social media drama regarding a different game from the same studio.

Funny gif captioned “we’ll bang, okay?”

Condescending quip implying 10 hours of gameplay more than sufficient.

Pretentious remark about a trial not being the full game.

Obvious comment insisting on the failings of the game’s animations.

Snarky reminder that with trial access, most people did.

Obligatory counterargument about this whole debacle being way out of proportion and how you should try the game yourself.

Negative comment regarding Mass Effect: Andromeda.

What makes me really sad is that I just really want to talk about and get excited about Mass Effect. I love the series, warts and all. I want to talk with people about the new combat options, the potential direction of the story, new aliens, how cool and deep the games are. Yet all people EVERYWHERE will talk about is

It’s the most enjoyable game you never want to play but love to read about.

While that is true, if you were to lay out a chart of X being quality and Y being price paid you'd see a VERY strong correlation. There may be a few outliers, but the overall pattern is the same. So the point still stands. If you don't pay a lot for something you shouldn't be expecting all that great of quality. I