Anastasia Beaverhausen

I can’t believe that I actually like Meaghan this season; she really was the voice of reason. Personally, I can’t wait for the Heather-Tamra-Shannon triumvirate to come apart. I really detest the three of them together.


I agree with what you said to Jones, but you don’t have to lump all white people together with that asshole, then add further insult by saying that white people have no culture. Your point is still valid without that extra jab.

i like it and you can pry my burrito bowl from my cold dead hands!

Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.

NBC needs to fire Billy Bush. For my own benefit as must a for the rest of the world. I don’t even watch the show anymore and he still annoys me.

Today show appearances, Tonight show appearances, SNL, you know NBC has something.

Oh fuck you NBC, you’re the ones who foisted him on us in the first place, giving him legitimacy even when he was pulling his birther nonsense. You know they must have unaired footage of him in the Apprentice board room saying offensive things about women, where is that? The contestants said it happened and there’s

It’s disturbing because Turner made no mention of rape as the catalyst for his rebellion. Scripture was. It’s doubly disturbing because Parker seems to have put in multiple rape scenes with little female agency in order to spur the black male avenger to action. It follows Parker’s statements of indicating that he

I appreciate this take. I had already decided not to watch because I just can’t support Nate Parker, and this solidifies my decision.

Men when it happens to women: I guess you just weren’t qualified. Maybe they were worried about you taking maternity leave, that’s very costly for a company! Are you sure it’s because you’re a woman I mean your boss has a daughter I’ve never seen him do anything sexist. Sexism doesn’t even exist in the US anymore just

So where was this guy’s lawsuit when the top managers were 80% male?


Shit! You mean we’re going to have to live with this Banana Girl drama bullshit for another 70 years?

Snotty elitist fashion people shit on Kim, a noted Not Rail Thin Well Groomed Sorbonne Educated White Woman.

1. Fuck you

Seriously. If this is Art, Perez Hilton’s penis doodles must be motherfucking Da Vinci.

So, in other words, this guy wants to put his semen over black women. So, he has to represent his fetish in his “art”. Yeah. We pretty much see past you dude. Thanks for your contribution to the art community. We are all terribly fucking impressed. Golf clap. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Right? I’m totally going to be That Person and ask how this even qualifies as actual art.

I was nodding along with you until I froze remembering all the racist douchebags* who freaked out about Rue from the Hunger Games being “made” black even though she was literally black the whole time, you guys. Obviously it didn’t hurt the franchise any at the box office, but those people do exist.