
I have eaten many Reese’s wrappers. I’m talking about the brown mini-cupcake wrapper like thingy stuck to the cup. I’ll use my finger to gently pull it away from the cup so as not to damage the candy in any way. Then I carefully remove the wrapper and shove the entire candy into my open maw, only to discover there was

Mike is right, there is starting to be some evidence that over-sanitizing our lives could increase food allergies or immune system problems. We may be stunting the growth of our immune systems by not exercising them enough.  I think we’re a long ways from saying you shouldn’t wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, but

You know that thing Trump does where he takes a sketchy argument and says it again and again and again and again until stupid people believe it?

Can somebody in the know help me understand this?  I can’t believe there wasn’t an instant track closure months ago until the problem is 100% understood and fixed.  I’m kind of blown away that the answer appears to be, “Let’s continue killing horses so we can understand what’s killing the horses.”  I know money

There’s a specific technique to tie your shoe one handed.  It’s fairly easily taught with your dominant hand.  Not so much for the other.

My mom was an occupational therapist. She told me stroke patients are always surprised how hard it is to wipe their ass and tie their shoe with their non-dominant hand.

Adrian Beltre too!

So you noticed the ump never called him safe too?  They did show a replay that clearly showed him touching home, but I was wondering if Texas was ever going to appeal and then if that was going to lead to a challenge.  But in the end he was safe and the run scored, so no harm, no foul I guess.

I ended up with a groggy hospital wakeup similar to this, although by my own doing. I am a drug addict, and I came as close to killing myself as you can get. My wife and I had a 1 year old and a newborn, and she was left to deal with me and the two babies. I had hidden my drug use from her so everything about this was

Isn’t every little girl’s dream to get raped and then have the whole world talk about it?

There was so little drama in that game that my friends and I actually spent a good amount of time debating whether it’s an ass-whupping or an ass-whooping

I married my catholic wife in her church in 2001. I wasn’t required to convert but I did have to sign a form promising to raise our future kids as catholics.

Fuck off forever

I love Bill Walton. But him saying “Conference of Champions” so often is making it so I can’t stand listening to Bill Walton.

Even if pillow fights are 20 Gs, it’s irrelevant. Nobody practices pillow fights 2-3 times per week and plays 1 game per week, for multiple years. How many pillow fights does a typical kid have in their lifetime? Maybe 10-20? How many times does a typical kid play football, assuming they play until high school? Maybe

Medically knowledgeable people: what is with the 2 players holding up his feet and shaking his legs? Is that a real thing you’re supposed to do? I’m also kind of curious how a vertebrae stress fracture required CPR? I have the rudimentary basic CPR and first aid training, and I don’t think either of those things would

What about flip-throws? I still see those in American college soccer, but never professionally. Those seem pretty dangerous on attack, so why don’t pros do it? Is it illegal? Not as valuable as I think it is? Or looks too stupid so nobody is willing to do it?

I completely want the players to have a larger share of league profits. At the same time, I want my favorite team to win more games. So I’m honestly putting this out there as a real question - if you were running the Seahawks and the salary cap rules being what they are - would you extend him?  Many of you are

The emails are terrible entitled assholes. Scroll down to the tweets and they get better.