
The distinction so many of the online reactions to the dismissals seem to be missing (and that I’m really glad this article makes note of) is that dismissals of this sort are completely normal for incoming administrations (former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush dismissed similar numbers of US Attorneys),

Semi-Related: Telephone/Utility poles across the US are also uniquely numbered.

I, myself, am I huge proponent of the theory that, as an older man subject to all the metabolic changes men are subject to as they age, he suffered some sort of injury that, serious or not, hampered his ability to keep up his workout regimen, leading to weight gain.

I just don’t think it’s really strange or notable that a housekeeper of multiple years is also a social friend during their off-work hours. Even if you’re a domestic employee, you (should) only work for max. forty hours a week, so why would you be cooking and cleaning for your employer in those off-hours? It’s kind of

The podcast presented as major piece of evidence the fact that two men went to Simmons’ house for a dinner party, and Simmons and a male employee of his prepared dinner while a non-white female employee was there as a guest and seemed to not be on active work-duty and she wasn’t cleaning or cooking. Even if there is

I have no idea why I’m so intrigued by this story but damn if that isn’t a freaking enthralling podcast. I really hope he is OK, he deserves to be.

This is not about “willpower” but evolution.

I really, really like this guy.

Also it’s weird that no one is posting her follow up comment in that same interview. Literally as part of her very next question when she agrees with Tavi that it’s ultimately not against feminism.

The crazy hair is what gets me. So distracting.

I don’t think they are helped at all or given any time.

I am pretty sure in his heart W. was pro choice as well, and pretty liberal on pretty much every other issue outside of fiscal. That just wouldn’t work for him politically. I am not saying that makes him any better. I just don’t think he sat at the dinner table preaching against a woman’s right to choose.

I still day dream about the Trump-Russian connection being found out, and the Supreme Court ruling that the election has to be done over. Oh, and Trump gets put on trial in this scenario.

The universe is off its axis when the most effective troller of Trump is the former right-of-center president of Mexico.

Also, we should all follow Vincente Fox on Twitter:

Me too. I’m like your stereo typical NPR nerd. I’ve got the monthly contribution, a bumper sticker from working the pledge drive, and even a selfie with Ira Glass and I just can’t do it any more. I have reduced my listening significantly these days.

I am deeply, unequivocally done FINISHED hearing his voice. Anymore is sends me into a rage fit. I think for my health I’ll use captions

So your employer cuts your salary by 25% due to “the market”, and if you say anything about it it’s you that needs to “take responsibility for himself and his own actions/decisions”.

You should be able to live off of working 40 hours per week.

Pretty sure Über’s been throwing itself under the bus since its “disruptive” unvetted-rapey-driver inception, couple two three years now. Way before even Candidate Trump. And it is now crystal clear that like all dysfunctional entities, it starts at the top- regardless of how cool and good an idea looks on paper.