Steven Tyler had a 14 year-old girls parents sign her over to him so she could live with him while they were “dating”.
Steven Tyler had a 14 year-old girls parents sign her over to him so she could live with him while they were “dating”.
Hoyo / Gurvinder / whatever is easily one of the biggest GM trolls. And I’m guessing he’s unfamiliar with concert shirts that have the tour year prominently displayed, so he doesn’t get the reference.
Since Hoyo Afrika is dismissing me...
What disappoints me is not someone is dragging up the JonBenet story again. What disappoints me is that once again that case is getting so much more attention than the missing Bradley sisters Tionda and Diamond. The authorities know what happened to JonBenet. They just don’t know who did it. Chicago police do not know…
OMG please tell me you’re joking. That’s awful (and also kind of amazing).
If word of mouth was that the movie is great (which it isn’t, it’s mediocre), then the movie would have gotten legs, which it didn’t. The only reasonable pitch to market an Ocean’s remake would be to sell it as a great heist movie (provided it is a great movie) instead of making this yet another litmus test on…
I had a teacher that was very strict and to me, she seemed unrelenting, unapproachable and unyielding. Finally she pushed me beyond my limit and I defiantly stood up to her. She took me to the little office room and sat me down where she explained why she was so hard on me and what she expected of me. After that I…
TV’s super nasty nowadays. They’ve got to keep up in the, sorry...booty race that cable started. At this point, we will have flaccid wang within the decade on prime time network TV.
Private membership clubs?
And how is that even an advertisement? Are they saying their product isn’t popular? It’s just convenient? I don’t get it
Here’s a pretty good video explaining how the Watchmen movie managed to be a shot-for-shot remake of the graphic novel, and still completely misunderstand or ignore the central message of the source. Snyder had no idea what he was doing on something that, unlike Sin City or similar dreck, actually had something to say…