@beauty-investigator on IG

No one is trying to discredit anyone! We are just reporting on them.

I’m mildly interested, which cancels out your petulant disinterest, so we’re right back at square one. Better question, why would you click on this if you weren’t interested? Every day on Gawker I scroll past articles I don’t find interesting, and rather than demand they cease to exist I just, y’know, don’t click them.

“Make sure they know that we’re kind of homeless and can’t fulfill our orders. That’ll be the hook.”

I’ve heard about ShopJeen and I don’t live in LA nor am I a teen. I was planning to buy something from it but didn’t after I read the last post about it and I’m interested in this update. You, on the other hand, didn’t have to click on it.

It must be very cool to think that your interests are the only interests