
That’s just a whole lot of awesome in every picture. Appreciate the article and the images!

At least it looks from the trailer like they are going back to Halo instead of whatever the last couple were. You guys can all hop in, I’ll drive. I love that beast!

Yoko Ono “music”. The answer is yes.

Hill decent is waaaay better than hill descent.

So Canada is sending its top diplomat to Washington to be like “NOOOO WHAT ARE YOU DOING, eh?

Saw your post. Sent it to a friend. Made his day.

Dammit! For the rest of the day I’m going to read it as Carts and Coffee (after the googles informed me that The Amish do, in fact, drink coffee).

You seem like a decent person, of which, there are too few these days so I’d hate to see you go.

The 2016 census shows less than half the number of people in the entire state of NH than in the county in which I currently reside.

As a person moving from Southern California to new Hampshire in a few years, this is invaluable information. I did not even know this was possible. I have a feeling I will learn much about real weather, most of it the hard way, very soon.

Now playing

Be sure of where you decide to tailgate, and doubly sure of who you decide to tailgate.

I agree about the battery company, but I always figured Tesla’s end game was development of required items for the off planet plans. Batteries to run equipment, transportation and pretty much everything R&D’d via the cars/trucks houses here, the charging infrastructure for those batteries R&D’d here, the solar

I believe you mean “A Land Rover Range Rover drover sode morrir”

Good to know. When you finally defeat your arch nemesis, and you stand over them to begin your monologue, they will hear you, as you describe each step leading up to their end.

Can’t resist. I tried.

Man, I’m old. Love the idea though. Another take on it for reference.

Not that I know the situation, but “headlights that were damaged while the car drove through deep water”...

Currently showing sold out on Amazon, FYI.

Currently showing sold out on Amazon, FYI.

But the black building is so cool, and the other dealer that’s half way to Orange County? I’ve heard nothing but stellar... O.K. the exact opposite of stellar reviews that match your description perfectly.

Agree with this whole post. Sent this to a friend when he asked if I’d heard of Flogging Molly. It hangs in my cave.