“no one’s being put in serious danger.”
I guess it’s a good thing there were no ambulances with time critical injuries or illnesses on that interstate. It would have been difficult to reach their intended destination before the patient expired.
I’m willing to bet if the population of the place this young man ends up hears he is the son of a police chief, the response will not be positive.
I think he’s going to pay dearly for his actions.
Likely the doors lift off hinges as well.
The doors can be closed, a large quantity of liquid can be introduced into the interior, and that liquid will have an easy path out of the vehicle. Hopefully it never happens, but sometimes you have to hose out military vehicles. They did it with tanks, hummers, and built this with the same capability I notice at the…
So back to the old BBS chat rooms of the (for me) 80's?
If you say someone “crashed her Jeep Patriot off a roughly 250 foot cliff”, I’m not imagining it rolling gently down to where it finally settles. I’m picturing a much more violent descent, after which, I am still amazed she had to break a window to exit the vehicle.
Not trying to be a jerk, my brain just imagined a…
I can’t believe any of the windows were still intact after the crash/descent.
I can’t wait to see how Elon is gonna solve this one!
Don’t tweet me bro!
That 1955 Giulietta Spider... I had a 1963 Giulietta Spider, and I have never driven anything before or after, that I enjoyed as much.
Thanks for the article and images. I hope to visit the Museo Storico Alfa Romeo myself someday.
That is absolutely beautiful.
I forsee a few framed canvas prints going on various walls at my place.
Odd place for lens flare in the first image. Shaded area, black honeycomb non-reflective surface...
Great looking car though!
Some of us will likely only ever dream of driving that track. Very cool that you have done it a number of times. I’m a bit jealous!
Wow. Wimpy had a first initial and a middle name. TIL.
Sometimes, to show that they do not have a concealed weapon.
Where would I find or see the coupon?
Where would I find or see the coupon?
“prosecutors who served under Evans during his 26-year term struck blacks from juries at 4.4 times the rate they struck blacks from juries”
Think that second “blacks” should be “whites”.
That’s just a whole lot of awesome in every picture. Appreciate the article and the images!
At least it looks from the trailer like they are going back to Halo instead of whatever the last couple were. You guys can all hop in, I’ll drive. I love that beast!
Yoko Ono “music”. The answer is yes.