Beautiful Brown

Don't forget you also called me a racist. Whatever makes you feel like the better person.

If you don't want people to get pissed when you make statements that sound precisely like self-entitled white whinging, then perhaps you shouldn't make statements that sound precisely like self-entitled white whinging. Saying, ""Maybe not put so much emphasis on [thing that affects other people every day of their

Yeah, looks like you already have your hands full. Good luck.

Who ever claimed that you spoke for anyone but yourself? I said that the problem was that you need to reframe the issue in your own context so you don't feel left out. No one is leaving you out. However, we can have a conversation about how a problem disproportionately affects certain groups of people without needing

So we're supposed to ignore the strong correlation between race and poverty because white people also experience poverty?

You mean like well paved roads? Parks that are cared for?

I'm a white guy who pointed out that another white guy is being a dick when he says shit like, "Maybe not put so much emphasis on race," and yet I'm the racist? And some of us wonder why everyone else thinks we're fucking clueless. Your post is the gentrification version of #notallmen.

The picture presented represents one of race, class, and income. In America, there are relationships between these variables that are backed up by decades of research. I encourage you to re-read Annale's article again and some of the references linked. Just because there are multiple elements involved doesn't mean

I was gentrified out of the area I grew up in. I ended up moving to a cheaper area and am now a gentrifier myself. In 95% of cases it is white people moving into areas and moving the existing populations out.

He argued to "not put so much emphasis on race", and his only piece of evidence is his anecdotal experience, compared to the research Annalee cited. Social trends based on race and racism are real. Ignoring the problem does not make them go away, and acknowledging the empirically proven relationship between race and

Living proof that interracial marriage does not cure racism like some people like to think.

Wow, damn, you're right! Your anecdotal experience completely invalidates all the studies that the author linked to in the actual article.

(Slow clap)

Congrats! You've solved gentrification! In honor of your achievement, I present you with the Medal of Dripping Sarcasm. (Hint: The stuff dripping from it isn't actually

Morgan's sentiments here are very high-minded and I agree that when we focus on race internally it helps reinforce those divisions but when you have economic policies that favor one skin color over another, then not talking about race is tantamount to, "Shut up. I don't want to talk about this problem."

I'm too burnt out to even engage any more, but I get a sort of schadenfreude thing from reading the 'Well, I guess we white people can't do ANYTHING right!!" comments and just nodding.

There has been quite an epidemic of Caucasian Related Rectal Discomfort Syndrome lately, yeah.

Lotsa butthurt white people around these parts.