
Now if only people felt the same way about racism as they do about other issues such as this... then maybe we never would’ve had such hatred towards the LGBTQ communities and others in the first place, if Tolerance, acceptance had been taught and demanded hundreds of years ago instead of the country continuing to

#WhatupBeau?... Sharing this article because the constant displays of nudity amongst women all over the Internet for attention is very bothersome to me. They do these things & they then wonder why they are not taken seriously. .. Women have been exploited for their bodies for as long as we all can remember. There is

It’s funny to me how women will do slutty things and then get mad for being called a slut. For example If you prostitute yourself, can you Really be mad that you are called a whore??? Nowadays if you call it like it is, you are “slut shaming”,... If you have a problem with grown women posting nude photos of themselves